10 days prison or 500€ fine?

what do you think is better?

paying 500 euros or going into prison for 10 days?

and im not talking about assraping prison, just a small prison where ppl that dont want to pay minor fines go for some days...
run my friend, RUN. Move to Jamaica
prison for 10 days
Depends what job you have and how much you earn.
If u r rich 500€
Definitely 500€
lol i read 10 days prison for 500euro fine?
depends on your income and if you can miss 10 days of your life
gief epix
he can't live without his pc for 10 days man :-<>
lol u ar not going to pay 500e plz.... take ur prison trip as a enjoyable experience :D
a learning experience!!
a chance to learn something new in life and learn a lesson about not doing crimes anymore!
prison ofc :DD
what did you do? and €500 seems to be the best choice tbh
had really important stuff to do and so had to drive with a car that was already really fucked up :d police caught &fuckedme :<

and i dont have a job right now (because of that incident tbfh :d )
try to get some legal advise on which punishment is "best" for your criminal record, it might make a difference for the future, good luck anyway
i have no criminal record, and wont have one, even if i go to prison. (well at least i think i have no record.. im undercover!)
then prison^^
500 euros

or something better.. but maybe only 2-3 ppl on crossfire are in the position to do smth like that so i won't say :P
dude you really have to tell.
2)Pay the judge
3)Niko Bellic option.
take prison, and do some pushups there !
expected gay comment :~)
you are right, he prolly should read a good book, and play with the other prisoners hide and seek !
that would be the plan, but i cant take my private books to prison, so thats kinda fucked, i wonder what books the prison library has..
hide the books in your anus =D
or i could tatoo it on my back :D
prison break addict =(
10 days in jail means 10 days no work etc.

But most people don't earn € 500 in 10 days.

If I would have the money I would pay, but if it would be to hard to earn the money back I would go to jail.
lol i hope your kidding 500 euro in 10 days lol if you dont earn that lalalalaalalalal
a normal student doesn't earn 500 euro in 10 days, and most people only earn 1500-2000 euro/month.

and you won't get free days from work to go to jail, you'll prolly lose ur jobs if you chose for the jail option xD
i work about 11 hours each saturday (i work 1 day a week) and i earn 10 euro's per hour.. so ye, if i'd work 10 days in a row that would be 1000 euro
but that means, the money you earn in 10days, is gone.. So you would be working & earning squadoush... So 10days in prison would be more profitable cause you don't have to do shit xD
no because in jail you don't earn your money

and you'll prolly lose ur job by going to jail, I think my boss wouldn't like it if I wasn't comming for 10 days because i'm in jail
QuoteBut most people don't earn € 500 in 10 days.

no student.

but 1500 euro/month is normal for most people even in belgium and the netherlands. (most don't earn more then 1500 netto/month)

I was more aiming at the crossfire people then the whole EU
Average salary is 1200 € in Belgium. 1200 € in 30 days is 40 € every day. So 10 days is 400 €.
@ minimum wage of around 8,50€ an hour * 8 hours of work = 70 € a day + you get the social benefits of having worked (pension, etc)

Think working > prison by a lot. I dont like the idea of being told when to eat piss and sleep :/

I like this journal, almost as epic as the butchji hacking on ETTV journal two years ago!
Average salary IS 1200 € (netto). Was in the papers some weeks ago. So when speaking generally, using examples as "IF you earn 8 € bla bla etc" don't count :o)
prison unless you have a job
definately 500 euros. go to prison u got every job u go to look for in the rest of ur life and every1 knows u went to prison. duno about ur laws but if u get a fine u still have to pay it wether u go to prison or not lol
ye lol prison 10 days for some car shit who cares -.-
nah, this going for prison for a fine will never show up anywhere, so its not a real problem.

normally you would have to pay the food etc you consumed in prison afterward, but if you say: hey i wanna work (giving out food at lunchtime for example) you dont have to pay anything, EVEN if theres no more work left to do.
not rly. It is like : 1 days in police station jail= like 50 eurs?

If you are lucky, you will even get a nextdoor jailmate. But that's unlikely, cause there arent anyone.
in my legislation a punishment of 10 days of prison or 500 € is qualified as delict (délit) and after 3 years it will be deleted from your personal record without even doing something. But i have no idea what austrian legislation says.

and dude, didnt you have the possibility to do get an alternative punishment such as the "work punishment" (no idea how to call it in english, peine de travail in french, arbeitsstrafe in german). Normally there is a way to have it
nah we dont have that working stuff in austria, would be more fun idd
500e aint even much cash so just pay -.-
hes austrian so your prolly right
what does that mean?

cash is growing on trees in austria? :o
-.- 500 euros is a lot less for austrians than for greeks for example
prison !!!!!!!!!! and buy for 500€ somthink cool XD
Depends on if you can afford those 500€ with np
just buy 500e of weed and go chill to prison

i would pay 5000e even if i had to borrow and pay later
i can only get heroin, valium, etc at prison :< weed is difficult :<
if you can afford the 500e , then pay it. if not, prison is a nice experience aswell!
i read that even ppl who earn big money, managers, etc are doing that jail thing cause they dont want to give the state any money for those minor things they did....
thats ofc true but it doesnt give u a good reputation for the rest of ur life...
true, but the bitches luvs THUGZZ
prison, great meal for free
going into prison for 10 days
typical and expected loekino comment np =)
that you even consider going to prison lololololo
well it "could" be a nice experience.
sleeping on a towel smelling of urine isnt fun. not even for one day
its just a prison where ppl who dont want to pay fines go.

ffs the one in the place i was living before is even the best prison austria has, its like a beauty farm, big social rooms, with lots of sofas, painted walls, pictures on it, tvs playstations, etc. you just cant get out. too bad i cant go in this one anymore :p

real prison sux, idd. 6 ppl in a room made for 4. the one that gets the call home is beaten up after he gets back, etc. and youll probably get home with a drug addiction
hehe i wanted to say that, too

ridicilous :S
pay 500 then when u apply for another job u wont have that on ur personal record
fucking read what i write, it will NEVER EVER appear on my personal record.
dont talk wet mate even if its only a caution or a warning it comes up on a record check trust me but tbh id take prison its a motoring offense so unless your a courier or somthin along tho's lines you'l be fine for future checks aslong as u state it, ten days is fuck all as long as your not padded up with a big black mush who's ass happy
everything comes on your record, trust me.
surely not, dont you know your own legislation???? learn some belgian penalty law plz
when I was 16 years old i got caught with my overspeeded moterbike for example, nearly had to pay 2500€ and this issue is on my personal record for 5 years (not that its a big deal, but its on it)
w8 i search the course i had this year in penal law, in 5 min i will enlighten you

"- la peine de police [...] emporte un emprisonnement de un à sept jours et une amende de 1 à 25 €. [...] peine de travail de 20 à 45 h.

- la peine correctionelle [...] comporte un emprisonnement de huit jours à cinq ans, et une amende supérieure ou égale à 26 €; la peine de travail de 46 à 300 heures.

- la peine criminelle: réclusion de 5 à 10 ans, réclusion de 10 à 15 ans, [...] réclusion à perpétuité, la peine d'amende est égale ou supérieure à 26 €.

Ici, il faut qu'on prenne en considération le multiplicateur pour la peine d'amende qui est de x5.5"

ok and now the articles concerning the personal records:

"articles 619 et 620 du code instruction criminelle"
Effacées autmatiquement après 3 années sont:

les peines de police

les peines d'emprisonnement de six mois au plus

les peines d'amendes correctionnelles ne dépassant pas 500 € !!! There you go

If i am not wrong you have to order réhabilitation
I am not going to write down the whole text and how-to, just read the articles 621-634 du code d'instruction criminelle

and i have taken note that the employer is not allowed get permission of insight in your personal records. the only ones who have are you and the attorney and it has only juridicial effects for future (eventual) convictions
I've done the 'rehab lessons'. never had penalty law so far but i do have a lot of law subjects in school
only exam i passed, shitlanguage
spion does the Paris.
prison ofc...comon it's warm there + u get food for free
you realise if you go to prison for 10 days im totally fucked right :<

going out now c u later baby xX
A real job pays a lot more than 50 euro a day..
Yeh, I make 25 euros/hour when I am working as TA at the university.
cool, where can i apply?
10 days in prison ofc :)

and edit. what did u do?:D
I would go to the prison for 10 day's and earn 500 euro.
i'll go in prison then :s
10 days prison , just for the experience =)

lol prison isn't a fun, u don't wanna spent there even 1day probably

svepe is right
a) leave austria, its a shitcountry anyways
b) go to jail and pay for TV and playstation. At least in Belgium you can get those when you are in jail. Its still prison, but you should survive it :P
c) ask for electronic surveilance @ home. Some childhood friend of mine got busted with a huge amount of xtc pills. He just had to stay at home for a couple of months. No jail, no fine. Afaik lightning was sentenced to electronic surveilance a year ago and look how happy the guy is today.
d) put a kilo of coke in ur ass, go to jail and sell it to earn 500€. Next pay your fine and dont go to prison.
wtf @ lightning? ;p
you didnt knew? check his profile, afaik the story is there. He got sentenced to one year of ES for joyriding his parents car without a license and managing to per-total three cars with 4 people having to be rushed to the hospital.
it isnt there :(
ask him. its a really crazy story
wow, where i can read that story :D?
sorry, i lied. Thats just the lifestory of my nephew.
c) suddenly sarah roemer appears
image: dropthesoapitsatrapne9

always look in ur back
prison ofcourse, 500e is a lot of money, especially if you are w/o job
id go to prison man... doesnt cost you anything and you dont have to cook for yourself or anything like that :D
good thing is, ive got a mental condition, taking ADs. so when i gamble and act great at the prison doctor i get sent home straight away anyway. i can play the suicide-candidate pretty well.
go too jail and try to break oout

Like Prision Break u are Micheal Scofield i can be ur brother np Lincoln
idd just skip the AD for a week ^^
go to jail and try to escape
Going to prison is ALWAYS the worst solution.

1) Paying the 500 € seems "much", but you work in those 10 days (we hypothetically forget weekend in this case) and can minimize the loss while in prison you do nothing and won't get paid. Hence you lose more money with going to prison than by paying the fine.
2) Forget about a good job if you have a criminal record. My dad couldn't even become a taxidriver with his criminal record (and that wasn't anything special).
3) People really underestimate jail. It's really not the paradise you all seem to think it is, but I guess it's "cool" to think like that.
just for info, if you got work, you serve your hours on the weekends, cause the state doesnt want you to loose your job, and wont even notify your boss.
What's that for bullshit?
in austria it works like that if you only owe the state money and didnt commit anything really bad.

"verwaltungs strafen" dont know in english.
ROFL, what a retarded shitcountry.
plz in belgium you dont even have to go to jail for robbing old people in the street. At least they have a working judicial system with enough facilities to take in all those criminals.

In belgium if you commit a crimi and get a jail sentence less then two months you just have to go to the prison where they will tell you there isnt enough room and you are allowed to go home. In the Netherlands new prisons have been built.Over the years all criminals had to do their time which led to lower crime rates, and less people ending up in jail, leaving them with even more capacity to take in crimnals. Right now they even have the means to put some types of criminals on a boat as some kind of social rehabilition, the same kind of systems are being used in a lot of scandinavian countries where they have prison villages which look more like Centerparks.

If anyone lives in a shitcountry concerning prisons and 'rehabilitation centres' its us belgians.Laws were passed to let criminals do their time in their country of origin. In 2007 this law was applied once or twice on a prison population of around 8000 (? dont know exact numbers). The only progress we made is electronic surveilance, but in the mean time we manage to neglect our prisons, leaving the door whide open for criminals to walk out while new criminals are sent home due to capacity shortage :'(

we are the fail
Blame PS + Verhofstadt.

And when you pay taxes for a jail like this:

Quoteffs the one in the place i was living before is even the best prison austria has, its like a beauty farm, big social rooms, with lots of sofas, painted walls, pictures on it, tvs playstations, etc. you just cant get out. too bad i cant go in this one anymore :p

I would feel robbed. That is no prison. How are they punished? They chose when to go to that prison, it isn't shown on their criminal record AND they have all the luxury they want.

Sorry, but installing this makes you a shitcountry.
You should have both a repressive and a rehabilitation system. In any case money should be invested.
Ofcourse, I won't deny that. But thát is over the top.
I knew some guy who did two months in prison. Ok they got playstation, TV and even drugs arent hard to get at but its still prison and its not something you'd like or enjoy.
Playstation shouldn't be in jail.
u can do the same thing in holland.. for 'minor'fraud crimes etc people can actually choose to serve their sentence during set hours over the weekend etc ... i agree that it's rly stupid though
lol @ considering going to jail, it's for fucking paupers... or are you a pauper? ;{

just pay the fine :X
what is a pauper? :-{
croatians, polaks, somalis, ethiopians, etc

aka 'poor beyond imagination'
dutchies can be paupers too ... pauper is just another word for the lowest of society... uneducated scum etc :P

but most of the people u mention fall under that description too i guess
just wanted to flame the crotards :P
its also that im not really willing to pay this shit. the sum doesnt equal the crime i commited... come on i mean i forgot the registration papers of the car at home also, and this makes 80 euros of the 500... this is retarded. just something to get my money
you disagree with the authority's decision and so you decide to get back on them by doing the jailtime rather than paying the 500e's ... doesnt sound very logic to me im afraid :(
its logic cause so they loose money instead of earning some.

my food has to be paid and all the other logistics and work in the background.
well at the end of the day they aren't actually going to care about 500 euro's more or less whereas you are the one who has to sit amongst the paupers in the jail which is rly pathetic if u come to think of it :P
if everyone wouldnt pay fines the system would collapse.

i dont eat meat, and i know that it changes nothing. but if everyone would do that, what a super duper world we could have! :)
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