Oasis ?? :)

Because i lately saw some ppl who made new maps. Probally they worked hard on it but ppl still complained. But i dont get it why dont ppl play Oasis anymore ???
So here are the things i wanne know:
Why dont ppl play Oasis anymore ??
Do you wanna get Oasis back ??
EDIT: I see some ppl say fullhold blabla k but What should be changed on the map?

Greets me ^_^
Oasis was my favorite map on Finland PHnet <3
2 times fullhold = no phun
Why should it be 2 fullholds i think if the team with the brains and the smart play will win because its a map where you need to have a good crossfire and strong teamplay.
Oasis > supply
If Oasis would eat less fps, it would be better than Supply :X
np, my fps is terrible on each map
need new oasis_te tbh :!

Why dont ppl play Oasis anymore ?? i would play it if anyone would want to, i like it
Do you wanne get Oasis back ?? yes
suXX ass---
the time when we always played Oasis and Supplydepot 2 in Scrims where great, get the time back plz (:
Original Oasis > sw_oasis_te or whatever i dont remember that crap
Played it always on 2on2/3on3 on 2.55, 3 years ago :DD
oasis still is the greatest map
all the newschoolers will say : oasis sucks

all the oldschoolers will say : dont care or ye it would be cool

all the wnb oldschooler will say : OASIS FTW [ even if they didnt played wars of 2 hours like 2 full def of each team on goldrush(not the te version) and oasis(not the te version) ]

gl finding what you are
haha D: liked that one :D
I played 2 hours scrims on Oasis and still I love to play it. What am I now?
i think u missed the point.

i played oasis war lot of time even 2on2 and it was awsome. and i am no oldschooler
Never played a war on oasis so dunno LAWD

Btw I'm noob enough to have played my first scrim on karsiah yesterday OLOLOLOL (but I played it 2 times with ABONPTMW so now I own)
oasis = et
Why do you think ppl dont play it anymore ??
Getting bored of some other maps i want oasis back =(
well as far as i got it, it was like admins said its boring for them to see oasis all the time + tosspot didnt want the map anymore
But thats like 2 years ago ?
Would be cool if ppl just give it a shot again. But the only way that ppl will play it again is that CB will add it on OpenCup or next LAN or next EC or next blablabla or what so ever
playing oasis is like playing etqw without vehicles
takes like 1min to run straight to obj
flagcap part is nice though
i dont like the sand color
oasis is shit because these caves sucks. and too small rooms in it.
sw_oasis + rifle = fun!
Oasis is one of the bestest maps in ET. CB should add it to map list!
its annoying to walk from the old city to the guns all the time.. too long way imo

Else it would be great (sw_oasis_b3+better spawns)
dont get why people write wanne...you cant even read it like that, so wtf
should it be ''I want a beer'' instead of ''i wanna beer'' ?

Is that what you meant ? :)
No,I mean how people can't write wanna correctly,there is a lot of people writing it wanne and I dont get how can they write it like that
allright :D so ''wanna'' is fine !

btw is saying wanna instead of want a is verry confusing ?
not really,it's not confusing
Oasis + battery back + getting rid of adler, braun and frost would be the best thing happened to ET for a while.
too easy to defend in modern ET
oasis is fkin nice man i want it back =]

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