another great cb admin

SpoX = the doneX of cod4

this teaches us : if u see someone with a wrong guid , don't say anything , just play and u will win anyways !

EDiT1: for all the " read the rules first " ' retards , the rules state if the match has begun they can't complain afterwards

EDiT2: all of you who check their own guids before every match ... get a life
yerrr l6l, stab him.
what a mongol rofl
ppl with capital X are evil
hello KratoX
oh show me a good CB admin and this journal will be a fucking interesting one. but till i dont know any, this is just the usual case.
Well, it's a good rule if it would be on the rule page. ;-O
Its the same rule as in ET. You need to add a guid 24h before a match. In ET if a clan wont check it before the game and the game is played the clan CANT complain AFTER the game is played. They need to see/check it before the game and not after. So dont know how it works in CoD but this is what they told me (for ET)
I know a team that got yellowcarded and deflost because the opponent checked the guids at the end after the game.
Ok well its quite some time ago they told me that. People shouldnt use the thing i said as a thing to show they are in their rights:p!
I'm going to use you as a witness :D
that is indeed the new rule , only this admin doesn't seem to know about it
mAus fuckup
how about if u just update ur guid in time? Then u don't have to whine about admin decisions.
haha what a fucking retard it looks like all the cb admins are picked from a mentaly disabled institution
well then most of the xfire users could become cb admins...
just make sure that you got your thingsright and then CB admins dont need to make all those 'stupid' decisions in your eyes.
u've broken rules - expeced.
next time try to play against known and nice teams instead of some lowbirds who dont know how to lose. its a lesson for you imo...
so , nobody should play against u in ET ? :s wtf
i fail seeing the retardness here? elaborate pls ...
Why u guys shouldnt follow the rules, everyone else does, you are not different from the rest.
They're Belgians and mAus is playing omg.
why they dont tell that mAus played that change the whole case
Quote21:30:43 » <ovr-acid> we win vs some random nabs
21:30:47 » <ovr-acid> & we get banned
21:30:51 » <ovr-acid> because a fucked up rule
21:30:55 » <ovr-acid> "OK"
21:31:00 » <zero`adizz> lol so since u play EC and all that it all of a sudden gives you the right to have a higher rank than the other players that are lowskilled?
21:31:05 » <sandi> =p
21:31:09 » <zero`adizz> well thats what i call pathetic!
21:31:15 » <sandi> stfu ovr-acid, rules are rules

21:32:12 » <ovr-acid> rules, are there, not to be broken, but to be bend

21:32:18 » <ovr-acid> you are tards :)

Sorry for the log admins :( but i think its rather important to show how lame some more "known" players can react on not following the rules
we are not "known" in cod4 , stfu
No-one knows you, stfu
i highly doubt that , retard
Well you are right, everyone knows u from ur ultimate aiming skills
since when is ET all about aim ?

weren't you the guy who "couldn't " be on any cdc ?
Oh, sry u were known from ur allmighty game sense, thats right.

And I was at cdc3.
wtf is up with u mr fintard ? people knew/know me because i played with people who own the shit out of you now.

So pls , if people don't know you , go be an attention whore somewhere else
That was it what i was looking for thx :D
me saying i sucked ? i never said i was good ANYWHERE fucking moron
What's your prob? Mr Im-too-ugly-to-get-a-gf.
He says he's not known himself why are you flaming him anyway. I hope by forfeiting it means you are finally getting a life. Or at least you realized your so fucking ugly you got to do smt about it.
Rofl, if you show logs, show all the logs then ... This was not about EC players & nabs, this was about a rule that was absurd...

I had a new guid, but could prove it was me (not a random cheater).
This had nothing to do with high or lowskillers fucktard
cb is full of retards
read the rules first then whine :<
read the rules first then whine :< That rule is idd retarded but yeah you just have to check all guids before the match...
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