Rapidshare Cats :[

How to get through these security codes? :|
Is there any certain/known way to get the solution? xD

Every time im wrong, its getting on my nerves!

image: cat <<----
dont get it wrong
i know u know how :p
poor you : DD
same here, didnt manage to download something from rapidshare since those fucked up cats exist ; /....im always wrong!
how can you get it wrong >=X
You must be retarded
please, you must be mentally retarded to not get the code right in 3 tries
get a premium account.
nothing new timen ;) Same here!
nothing new timen ;) Same here!
Its a stupidity-test
Use Happy Hours if you are blind
only type the characters with the cats
open ur eyes and enter the right code
it rly sux

those fucking cat codes
A protection against mentally challenged people. :/
are you retarded , it isent that difficult, but i think there will be some rsbot that can help you, it worked in et also dident it?
buy glasses
old from you :P
iam back & stoned
zomg pls :D
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