
hey crossfire, so what's your opinion whos the most overrated player ever?

mine is SOL!

nice day
i think its sikZt
vae clan of course
Definitely Stokez - everyone thinks that he's good with panzerfaust but he's just freaking lucky...
but stokez is simply the best.. :/
See? You're just proving my point! FUCKING OVERRATED PONCE
wow you guys have serious problems--
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what to do ? !
yes i asked you computer nerds what to do
but seriously you guys sit here on saturday evening and discuss who is the most overrated player you should be ashamed
so? You are sitting there on a saturday evening and telling people to be ashamed because they are talking about who's the most overrated player, whilst you yourself should be ashamed by your own ignorance, intolerance and narrow mindness.
\o/ pwned by laska
well spoken you nerd..should get an oscar for that
First of all this is just a bad conter to say nerd. Insulting people just shows your lack of intelligence. Second: Oh my god is it fun to be depressive and insulting people because they enjoy doing other things than yourself? Anyway if you learn to argue you may reply to me again without lame excuses or anything similar to that.
this is why you are a nerd nobody who is a little bit confident is solving problems with "hey let'S write a essay about our problems"
i bet in rl you are the typicall victim
Oh so nerd means I'm actually using my brain and don't insult people over the internet? Well yes then I'm a nerd.
If the typical victim is someone who doesn't have any enemys, has fun with his friends, and is average at school , then yes I'm also a victim.
Other than that, no sir you are just totally wrong. Ah before I forget an essay in my school is about 200-300 words don't know how much you gotta write where you live so in my oppinion I'm not writing an essay.
willstar! syl!
all the medskillers that play oc prem
sol will probably delete this :D
or probably not?
asslicker :D
pumu hentai snoop

snoop's awesome ;o
Doesn't a player need to be rated to qualify as being overrated? I don't see any sol fan boys in the community apart from the ones who loves him because of his God status!
butchji :(
mAus, naga, perfo, r1co
hummel, toxic, sol
emortal :X
pumu had a big mouth before his "comeback" and then he appeared to be low+, so that's kinda overrated (at least by himself) :D
LOL you deleted me i still got you :<
Nah there was any random asshole who overtook my chan :<
dream on batti boy ;)
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