Waiting for...

... some "drunken as fuck" journals like every weekend :P

Well, after I made a night of it, I'm waiting for "back from da clubz" journals :D
But I'll leave right now, because I've to deliver papers (around 600 pieces) to some customers... want to earn some holiday money :p

Enjoy your day, buibui

image: 00007921

you still deliver newspaper with 19 years? man i did that when i was like 15 or some....bad days, cuz in the winter it was a fuckin hard job. fingers frozen and shit

btw, im neither drunk (yet) nor clubbin :(
Sure I do, because I earn fuckin much money :D
I'm working for that company for around 4 years :P
damn, i guess i worked for the wrong company then xD
i just got some coins for it, but got some tips from time to time :)

so, have fun sir!
yeah i guess i worked for the wrong company :( when i delivered newspapers it was brutal, +plus i didnt get payed shit all. Like $60 a month not even, but now i work at a grocery store lmao but get like $300 every month ::)). Im only 16 xP
your career is goin to be even better if your older then :P
rofl? I earned 20 euros a month and had to deliver 400 pieces. The problem was I had singlehouses which means it took me 6 hours a week ~~
fuck, Im sitting on fucking big hangover, cant sleep anymore
alcohol sux xd
hi 2u i jsutrt got back forom teh clu3b lolza we hda a funneh wtome owt and sow sume fit birtds lololololxz
thx for making me throw up.
i got bakc form teh culb around 5...
it was fun..
lol wonder has a paper round...xDDD
im still drunk, dont remember anything from yesterday

edit: inter plays today!!! cant wait
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