#Force'Gaming Prizelist is known

There were prizes 2 week ago winner are known...

5 x War server for 3 months
10 x Voice server for 3 months
15 x Bouncers for 3 months

check out if you have won

wow, very fair mgc.

plz, could you sponsor a server for me also. i would use force'gaming after my nickname and so on

im playing in masculine_mans and we need a server really much

/msg Sample @ quakenet

with love,

we search one more et team imho
Why you think we search for 1 or 2 news posters?

Maybe your the new poster ?
But i higly doubt that, your just a guy searching for this kind off post and then you whine about it.

But hey maybe your a good writer so let us know :)
your newsposts on the site are like all the same as on crossfire ..
This has to be one of the most retarded comments of the day... But hey, it's still "young"
what? I just don't think you can call someone a newswriter if he just literally copies newsposts from other forums without editing anything...
Practically every site is doing it, and what is the point in editing it, if all the info in it is correct and so on?
we put the source so np

and we have no real news writers yet
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