Hide n seek :)

Hey cf, little bobban have had an idea about "hide n seek". I've played hide n seek 3 times @ late night and its very fun :D shouldnt it be cool with a Pub hide n seek, isnt that possible? :P

And btw, I want some funny guy to teach me strafe better :D I suck, strafing like g@bar :D I cant offer much, just a great laugh at vent and some singing haha :D

thanks bibuy
ask United Kingdom sqzz

for the strafe.

public would be trash as some players would break the rules :-)
then kick them ? xD what rules are u thinking about?
i mean u can eliminate things like smg for allies and so on, axis can only use packs and syringe? i dont know just thought of it as a cool idea :P
yeah, but i dont know if its possible for serveradmins to only allow luger, syringe n stuff
ive played on headshot server were they have a config "luger only" it eliminates the smg :P
hm, then its fine! =D
u reply rather fast
u too xD :D:D:DD:
cool thx XD

was kinda late now cos of the spam protection :<
would be always empty
only United Kingdom can strafe ? :D
hoi bobban
U can't fill a server with that idea. It's not fun to play it with 2 Axis and 3 Allies, I think, so the server would stay empty.

Besides it's ofc possible to make a Hide-and-Seek-Config, at least our Headshot-Server has eliminated SMG and stuff and a medic-only/fops-only script isn't that hard imo.
ask United Kingdom noodle
i'd teach you how to strafe but it's a sekrit
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