cod4 hc

Why the fuck is this naab mode so popular?! It seems like 9/10 servers out there is that hardcore crap. It basically makes the game demand even less skill than already does.
some people dont play cod4 and do not know what gametype that is :/
hardcore mode, practically 1 bullet a kill i think
is cod 4 so hard that they have this on so many servers? /sarcasm
1 bullet to the toe-nail, and you die.. I might add.
really? o.O

cod2 rifles were 1hit kill if in the torso/groin/head, smg's were 3 shots anywhere, automatic rifles 2 shots anywhere, pistol 3 shots anywhere (of course headshot with any weapon = deaf)

1 hit kill with a spammy smg in cramped poorly designed maps must be fucking annoying, must be annoying enough with the possibility to get headshot without hardcore mode.
welcome to CoD4
in cod4 u die fast anyway, doesn't matter if it's 1 or 3 bullets
Same with Warsow - 9/10 CA servers is instagib which is boring like hell :/
graj duele ziombelllllllllllll D:
Nie mam z kim a kiepski jestem :P A na DA nie chce mi sie czekac 5 minut zeby w 10 sekund po dupie dostac.
stick to ET
(i only say this because my computer is too crappy for cod4)
1 shot from every weapon = dead :( play on servers with pam
So fucking agree
The first week I was fucking agitated by the game, but now I realise that pub = absolutely crap

IF you're going to play publics, try only finding servers with pam4 mod on it


those are good servers (look up the ip's @ the interwebz)

I'd advise you though to go to IRC, quakenet, #mpukcod4.pickup , and just !add yourself there and connect to their ventrilo (!vent).

That's a good way to prac for wars n stuff ;)
cod2 > cod1 > cod4
They need a hardcore filter ...
It wasn't that bad when it came out.
Agree completely

Would it really be so hard for them to add a filter so you could avoid the servers as well? Most don't even add hc to the server name
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