What about this

Im going to buy a the following pc and i need your opinion pls

Pavilion Elite m9180.ptHP

CACHE - 8MB L2¹ ; ¹4M Intel® Advanced Smart Cache by core

HARD DRIVE - 500GB , HD 3G SATA 7200 rpm

DVD DRIVE - HD DVD + DVD-RW LightScribe Double Layer


VIDEO CARD - nVIDIA® GeForce™ 8800 GT TurboCache 512MB with PureVideo Tec (may be expanded till 1791MB)

PROCESSOR - Intel® Core™ 2 Quad Q6600 - 2,40 GHz ; Chipset Intel® G33 Express

SOUND CARD - Intel® High Definition Audio 7.1


PRICE: 1099€

PS: From what i saw in every PC Equipment Stores they say to me this Configuration is the best that i can find in the market and that the Video Card, besides 9600GT or smt , is the best i will find :s
Dont do it

Turbocache means it will use RAM memory since it only has 64mb or sth itself :X

Take other Vid card if possible!
No for himself it has 512. TurboCache i think is to expand till 1791MB
Well dont enable it :X
ofc i wont lol :D 512 is more than enough
oha o:\

²expensive imo

edit: build it yourself = better & cheaper
you can get same thing for like 600 euros.

plus youll have some better clues about the built in components. like ram for example. 4gb ddr2 doesnt tell me anything...
look at my profile i got that for £550.00 and i can get 125 fps stable but can update graphic to an 8800 for £600.00
you can get 125 fps stable with an AMD 3000+ & 6600GT as well :x
nice :) but if i play othert games such as crysis then its bettter :)
i dont want this pc to play ET only lol for that i have my old one
build it yourself ffs and save a lot of money!!!
lazzy boy here
just another thing, the components are good, right. BUT

the q6600 is an old cpu model.
the 8800gt is an old graphics card
hd dvd ? why? they got too much and need to get them away? (same with the other components)

this offer is targeted at noobs to rip them off..
"the 8800gt is an old graphics card"

w00t zeh fakk? which gfx-card would you recommend?
short time ago i was still working at a big hardware distributor, when the 9000 series geforce cards were announced we got the order to sell off all 8000 cards as fast as possible, even if we have to sell them cheaper then we bought them, since noone will buy them anymore when the 9000 series arrives and the price of the new card will be only slightly higher than that one of the old model..

sure in fact, the 9000 series cards arent that big of a deal.. but why shouldnt you get them when they are nearly as cheap as the older model?
the 9600GT is for example only a few euros cheaper but worse than a 8800GT and a 9800X2 isn't worth the money because 2x8800GTS are faster & cheaper
from what i know there arent many more VC better than 8800GT
you're wrong. again someone tricked by nvidias marketing. omg new 9 series! lets buy it for more money when there's almost nothing changed from 8 series.

8800gt is fine, the newer 9800gtx is pointleslly overpriced and pretty much gives nothing over a 8800gts 512mb

either 8800gt or 8800gts 512mb

q6600 is fine, since q9300 and q9450 have too low multipliers for decent clocking.

also i wouldn't get quadcore at all, i'd get E8400 or sth
ya, the whole big hardware retailer i was working for, and all the technicians there were tricked by nvidias marketing :o

and who gets a sli/crossfire thingy must have shit for brains anyway.. the 9600gt isnt that much worse. BUT thats the point: i was only pointing out the fact that this company wants to clean out there storage rooms from old stuff. so am i wrong that there are newer models than the 8800gt or what?

and youll sure be able to clock a hp pavilion computer real good! gg!
it doesnt matter if it's a hp brand or dell brand, they dont alter the parts. you're wrong about 8800gt being old and that he should buy a newer one, since there's still nothing that can beat 8800gt in it's price range and it's still best bang 4 buck.
you still didnt got my point: hp is cleaning out their storage rooms and even want to make big money with it.

and oh yes, parts get altered :<
wrong again and a void point since the customer profits from getting a 8800gt cheap
you really think this is a cheap offer?
no but i doubt he'll get an equal card cheaper from the same store so whats your point
Why do you want a pc like that for?
just buy it .
get E8400/E8500 as cpu imo
May I ask why?
you will get a shit mobo and a stock cooler...
build it yourself!
save some money and don't buy the "
DVD DRIVE - HD DVD + DVD-RW LightScribe Double Layer" just buy a normal dvd burner. + HD dvd is dead
its not like you save some big money, nowadays you get an hd dvd reader for 10 euros.
Build it yourself.. that would be a lot cheaper. And for your information, this: SOUND CARD - Intel® High Definition Audio 7.1 is just a onboard soundcard. 4G RAM = overkill. Is it PC6400 RAM btw..? If they installed some random cheapass slowpoke chips and a shit mobo you're kinda screwed.Do you have a pic of the case? Big companies like HP tend to use cheap ones with a shit airflow. Just build it yourself so you know whats in it and you can build it the way you like :).
I would disagree with 4Gb RAM = overkill because if that pc includes Vista it's just fine because for vista 1Gb is recommended and to run smooth 2Gb and just to make sure to handle future games and others that 4Gb is pretty optimal these days. _imo_
You must be a real idiot to install vista on your system since it's full of shit + it can only see 3.4 GB or smth..
first of all .. it can see only that because some hardware takes it own part of that and actually why do you think that "I" would be real idiot if I install Vista ? Vista supports more RAM and it's coded better for memory, multi-core etc. usage/support ?
It can't use the full 4GB ... why would you need 4GB for..? And I'm not refering to -krisse- if I use You in a sentence.. i'm just talking in general ;D
yes I did understand that and thats why I used quotes :P but I think it's good to have enough RAM because games are developing with fast speed these days.. DX10 games and games that support multicore processors etc. and probably if you're not from millionare family you dont want to buy every year new pc so it's good to have RAM because I dont think that future games will be lighter with those graphical worlds that they "will" have.. :D
If you look at the requirements for most games you wont really see "memory: 4GB MINIMUM" a lot so i can't really agree on that one. I'm also planning to buy 2 more RAM chips IF this is really necesarry but I don't really believe that games will develop at the speed of lightning.
Yeah .. but minimum ? performance will be better if you have little bit extra and tbh 4Gb aint that expensive.. 2x2048Mb OCZ low latency sli ready memory is less than 90€ :P
and I think since now Crysis , Assassin Creed etc. these games will start to develop lilbit faster :P its not lightning fast but after all 1-2 years aint that long time
too lazy to explain but you can get with 800-900€ better pc if you dont buy package pc.
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