how shit is europe?

lived in asia forthe last 6-7 months and now im back in the UK. What a fucking pile of shit this place is, every one is fat or look like gypos, no fucker cares about anything other than themselves and its expensive for everything including things that are actually made here.

the only good thing is.... i go back in 3 months

image: 2dsfh8w
true :<
europe = uk?
take time to read the topic title and you shall fnd its a question not a statement.
looked more like rhetorical question
U mean we Europeans have to live with you for 3 months?

Why God, why?
sambal bij?
parents just got back from malaysia and the far east too, were there for 2 weeks for my mum's 50th bday. They come home and were all depressed, they hate this country as much as i do and are looking to move to malaysia. Nice to see u back though mate.
why do you hate your fatherland rossz0r?
i know u know/can guess.
nope i've never been in the uk :S
its the same way u feel about ur country.
hm i love my country tbh
maybe you are angry of all that pakis? then emigration is no resort...
Age: 68 ( 1 January 1940 )
Location: Thailand

i guess ur a old fat ugly bald english guy who goes for sextourism to thailand for raping some cheap little asian male kidwhores. but uk is glade just a island away from europe :x
Age: 12 ( 27 November 1995 )

i guess ur a small kiddy who drinks breezers, does jumpstyle and doesnt know that 1 January 1940 is the standard maximum age for so its 100% sure that its NOT his real age...
i guess u didnt read my profile then xD
didnt ^^ gg
21 ... guess you didnt read mine either XD
edit: n1 edit
and no i am a young adult with a 12yr old attitude

yeah annoyed by the notworkingreplybuttonsss sozz
what's so bad about jumpstyle? plz..
are you serious?
dont answer plz xD
he will find out when he has grown up
haha, pretty much owned! ^^
UK is in europe?? :p
no, uk s in africa :o
Member For: 11 months and 18 days
you just wait till midnight :D
your nation is the one whome provide food on your plate !
fully agreed,

ladyboys in thailand > *
got to be a UK thing.. :P My sis went to some countries in asian and she told me that she hated most ppl that live there. She felt like a Blond tall neon sign. everywhere she went they stared at her very rude.
She showed me some movies of her sitting in a restaurant with every one staring at her while the ppl didn't know she was recording.
Weird Asians :P
pls no one is detaining u to go back to ur 3rd world country..
never been in asia
harajuku girls > katoi > katoi quai > pharang/gaijin :)
asia = community > individual
europe = individual > community

guess you'll jsut have to accept that shizzle :'(
since i spent some weeks in a chinese school in shanghai i couldn't disagree more on "asia = community > individual",
its definitely not that simple.
Its a lot more complex i agree. It is a fact however that Asian culture pays a lot more attention to the community, even giving it priority over the individual right. Sino culture has always valued the 'harmonious society' even the communist party adheres this age old Chinese way of looking at society. If the individual rights have to be limited for the good of the community, they will not hesitate to do so to keep intact their society of harmony.

In Europe, the individual rights are considered important enough to allow people to do things which arent necesarily good for society as a whole. 'Asian Despotism' can be found in a lot of Eastern countries, but mostly in China, the sole country on earth which never got colonized or dominated by Western Culture.
Britain 19th century anyone?
China never got colonized, they did get raged by brits. Brittain forced China to open their ports for European trade, but they never occupied / colonized china.
Depends what u see as colonized. If you think China never got colonized by the West, then Japan never got colonized either. Same with Mongolia, etc.

UK owned a couple of harbours in China (Shanghai and Hongkong for example) and were the ruling party there. True, not the whole country, but tell me, what countries did get colonized completely...
Afaik Japan, next to China is the second big culture which never got totally dominated by the West, though they did get occupied after WW II and during the Renessaince they got flooded by Christian missionaries (same as with China)

My main point is that our Wester humanistic, individualistic view on the world isnt shared by Chinese culture, which has a tendancy to put aside indivual rights for the greater good, something which is totally unaccepted in Europe which thinks human rights are more important than anything else.
I can only agree with that, I only didn't agree with:

QuoteChina, the sole country on earth which never got colonized or dominated by Western Culture.
I guess you could call it their culture, I would call it feudalism tho'

and most countries have gone through that, so they are no different from the rest
First we came with bibles and told them what to believe in. These days we call them barbaric cause they dont have enough respect for civil rights. To the Chinese its the same western arrogance over again.

Some people still believe all countries go trough a process of civlization and the end process must be democracy. A lot of people thought China would become more democratic as they became more wealthy but eventhough they have had growth numbers in the double digits they have not changed their ways.

We'll see in the future ...
indepentent vs interdependent
lol yeah living in tokyo central is 3rd world aint it

*Oops was supposed to be a reply
Member For: 3 years and 0 days

lol was going to say the same xD
no one cares about ur fuckin attitude..
if u do not like europe u will have to leave it.. im sure everyone will care
btw learn how to reply
why are you so offended? :o
oh cmon his attitude is just ridiculous..
on this site most pple come from europe.. so he is writing a journal about how sucky it is to live in europe.. and his only example is UK..
sounds very awesome
ye, but you know he's only talking about the UK so whats the prob? I live in europe and i don't really care or take what he said seriously.

maybe i'm just in a too good of a mood to flame someone or get excited over meaningless stuff like that :p
jeah.. think u r right..
he's on about the uk, move here and see if you like it mate its a shithole full of arrogant cunts with bad attitudes where your own beliefs and views cant be expressed due to all the fuckin muslim skidmarks here, wise move to do one breezy mate
i am leaving :)
back to japan and thailand and hopefuly this time i will manage to goto South Korea
i'm going to south korea in the summer maybe, still thinking about the ~20 hour flight D:
narita is only 11 hr (maybe less) flight from London and thats further :).
what i would do is fly somewhere in the middle and stay a few days then continue as long haul flights fuck you up for a few days
aha , i was told it's like 20hrs :>
uk != europe

i think you should spend time in norway (for example) before judging it so blindly
Korea is superior
Korea, Japan are rly nice. But thailand not :/
what do u like the most in countrie where u have been for 6 month? u should be happy u arent sick, or mabye u are but still shhhhhaaa ;)

and btw u were only in one countrie there, so u cant say all asians countries are so "great". Same conclusion with europe, UK is shit for u , but that doesnt mean rest countries is same bad. I vote for no!
i did catch typhoid :)
bad food ;) ( i mean taste great, coz i love asians food too, but to much bacteries ;)
well if u make that conclusion ( that europe is shit) only because the place were u've been in england is shit isnt a very good conclusion, its generalization (thnx2perfo), but here in holland were i life no one is fat, no one cares only about him/her self, well in my neighbourhood... but i see your point and what your trying to say.. sorry for my engrish
thnx perfo !
hoiiiiiiii perfooo
Can I come with you? x-(
meh , go back to asia then.
we weren't rly waiting on you so just go back to your shitplace called asia
trumped by summer glau

image: summerglau
every culture/land/community has its good and bad I guess...If u were born there, and would have lived in europe for a half year now I'm sure you would say it exactly the other way around :)
welcome back :]
lo bull :)
hows things ?
it's ok :p nothing special :)
more whine please..
care, homo
lekkel!2nd that
Welcome back and Happy Birthday, your account is 3 years old today.

(Thais people are one of the nicest people in the world makes you wonder why some people are so stuck up.)
Thats why all the chinks love Europe and the usa :P Just one of those things if you were born there and lived there all your life you would think its a shit hole :P
QuoteWhat a fucking pile of shit this place is, every one is fat or look like gypos, no fucker cares about anything other than themselves and its expensive for everything including things that are actually made here.

Looks more like a statement than a question to me, if you dont the place and those are your views on the UK then the sooner you fook off back to where you just came back from the better.
just leave europe, we dont need you ;o
Heartbeat is good series. Other than that I haven't seen much good from UK either. Shit weather all the time, which makes the people act like retards (not all, but most).
mayb its ur grumpy face thats setting ppl off
just 'cause its warmer doesnt mean its better
just because the girls look underage doesn't mean they are!
breezy: where in asia? thats quite a wide land -.-

im going to qingdao/china to work - looking forward to it!
going back to Tokyo for a while and then back to Koh samui, thailand.
u should once check out qingdao. best city in whole china <3
give me a shout if you want a tour of central toyko.
yes it is... if you register, the date of birth is automaticly set on 1 januari 1940
Quotelived in asia forthe last 6-7 months and now im back in the UK. What a fucking pile of shit this place is, every one is fat or look like gypos

yes yes yes it's way better to be hungry a whole life and dream about real food when eating dandelions.
atleast they make nice bami
true stuff, fully agree
hf in asia dude
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