How rich are you?

Just enter ur annual income and see how rich you are :)

QuoteYou are the 52,***,*** richest person in the world!
You're in the TOP 0.8*%
richest people in the world!
QuoteYou are the 5,568,548,572 richest person in the world!
= 379,755,748
You are the 379,755,748 richest person in the world! You're in the TOP 6.32%
richest people in the world!
haha cheater :)
You are the 4,785,600,001 richest person in the world!
You're in the TOP 79.76% richest people in the world!

poor Poland student ;(
yes ;) cause there are so many people out there who have to deal with 1 € a day...
I won't even work for 700 a month
You are the 1,184,209,982 richest person in the world!

You're in the TOP 19.73% richest people in the world!

I am poor student!
You are the 5,084,880,001richest person in the world!
84,7% richest people :X
poor czech without work :[
= 5,439,257,143
You are the 5,439,257,143 richest person in the world! You're in the TOP 90.65%
richest people in the world!
You are the 107,565 richest person in the world!
image: scale_new :-/

i was the first black guy :-(
tbh if i count all my 'legal' income then i get to 240e max. :\
Count your illegal incomes too :D
where the fuck came that un anyway ;ASD damn I'm stupid -.-

sure, you earn 50.000 € a year? Nice lying !
25000 is pretty much ok, thats 2100 a month, if you're a manager .. :-)
2100 €/month is not thát much, but it's a nice start as a starter. But according to the topicstarter he would make 4000 € a month, and I don't believe anyone who makes that much money would spend time on CrossFire.
2100 net is pretty much :P
Depends on your education.
Maybe in belgium... but not here (france).
In Switzerland, 2000€ is the absolute minimum of earning, everything below is below the living standards.
sherlock ;) i entered the incomming of my father mother. as if i hav such an incomming with 18 years :P
you really must be fucking kidding me
i wouldnt do any serious work for below 5000€
Okay boy. You're really cool now.
sorry, but tbh this is normal in switzerland
Sure it is boy =)
hey, i'm being serious :(
When is Lady coming home?
ask kenta
I'm lucky I don't have to :-)
minimum wage here puts you in the top 10% of the world population (14k a year roughly)
having money or spending money is way different on that page.. but yeah true
yeah thing is it doesn't really consider inflation or the area 14k a year here in London is pretty much impossible to live on
mmm..i guess also it's in a garbage and eating dandelions aint that expensive ;D

no idea about london
= 837,207,787
You are the 837,207,787 richest person in the world!

You're in the TOP 13.95%
richest people in the world!

well for a student ^^
I dont earn any money :<
0 CHF on my Bancaccount

21 + parents = fail
Hey, atleast I'm happy!
What about you? Still living with your parents?
yes but only till autnum
I'll move from parents house too. I think at the end of this year ;)
In which country will you move?
not sure yet, i thought about going to Netherlands Holland. Depends where i find a place to study etc.
Holland looks nice, what you want to study btw?
history/politics, and holland isent the best place to study that afaik.
But before i will begin to study i will take a breakyear anyway
Looks intersting! Well i hope you will be good at it :) and become what you want!
its the only thing ive ever been good at :D
= 1,744,954,215
You are the 1,744,954,215 richest person in the world! You're in the TOP 29.08%
richest people in the world!
having a high income doesn't make a person richer than someone who's inherited a few million pounds/euro's/dollars though... anyway as expected top 10% ish
= 1,332,734,304
You are the 1,332,734,304 richest person in the world! You're in the TOP 22.21%
richest people in the world!
= 1,332,734,304
You are the 1,332,734,304richest person in the world! You're in the TOP 22.21%
richest people in the world!
You're in the TOP 0.001%
richest people in the world!
You are the 107,565 richest person in the world!

You are the 141,199,687 richest person in the world!
You're in the TOP 2.35% richest people in the world!
You are the 39,123,480 richest person in the world!
You're in the TOP 0.65%
You are the 791,704,328 richest person in the world! You're in the TOP 13.19%
richest people in the world!

I hope i will get a decent job till I'm 30 :P
You are the 1,351,164,329 richest person in the world! You're in the TOP 22.51%
richest people in the world!
image: labels=0
You are the 17,434,280 richest person in the world!
You're in the TOP 0.29%richest people in the world!
You're in the TOP 12.49% richest people in the world!
Quote You're in the TOP 68.98%
richest people in the world!

poor student :/
From my parents You are the 28,399,831 richest person in the world!

My cousins:
You are the 107,565 richest person in the world!

MY ANNUAL INCOME € EURO 5 Show me the list!

You are the richest person in the world! You're in the
richest people in the world!
Rich list scale Rich list scale

You're in the TOP 0.001%
richest people in the world!
You are the 1,156,022,885 richest person in the world! You're in the TOP 19.26%
richest people in the world!

but i have 3,95€ at my bank acount atm ;< poor student ;XD
You are the 790,079,205 richest person in the world! You're in the TOP 13.16%
richest people in the world!

You are the 694,196,916 richest person in the world! You're in the TOP 11.56%
richest people in the world!

im sooo pooor :((
You're in the TOP 0.001%
richest people in the world!
You are the 107,565 richest person in the world!

(for my parents)

You're in the TOP 0.001% richest people in the world!
There's a difference between being in a well off family and being spoilt.
It was a joke of course!
I need your English authority in the movie section, virtual studios movie, last post by Vodkaa, can you tell me I'm correct please
I'm the 798,204,822 richest person on earth!You're in the TOP 13.3% richest people in the world! Bs
= 34,516,870
You are the 34,516,870richest person in the world! You're in the TOP 0.57%
richest people in the world!

(my father since my mother's not working)

You are the 40,373,758 richest person in the world!
107,565 is the max u can get :/
= 820,956,552
You are the 820,956,552richest person in the world! You're in the TOP 13.68%
richest people in the world
You are the richest person in the world!

Didn't give me a number :<
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