Get PAID For Smoking Marijuana

Hard to believe but there are a group of scientists who are offering to pay people as much as $600 to essentially smoke marijuana!

Here is an excerpt from an article that explains about it more:
A group of scientists are looking for marijuana smokers to help gain insight into the drug's effects. And they plan to pay subjects as much as 600 dollars to smoke their pot.

The study examines how marijuana affects brain function and cognition, with particular attention to the duration of use and the age of first use. The measure is brain imaging studies and achievement tests, such as for math and verbal skills.

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Getting 600 dollars for smoking marijuana, not bad ah?
that isnt enough to let my brain go out of shape
It wont go out of shape just from smoking a bit of pot though :)
QuoteThe study examines how marijuana affects brain function and cognition

people who smoke/do drugs probably dont have much brain function at all to start with
dear rbnt,

do you drink?
people who drink arent as pathetic as people who do drugs.

thats hardly an opinion ;(
ethanol is a drug too :<
Well said.
A lot of people who drink regularly are 30+ and work dead end jobs and going to the pub on an evening is their only form of entertainment in an otherwise pathetic existence. I don't automatically think you are one of them just because you drink. That would be stupid, so you can refrain from doing the same, thanks.
let's put it this way, most people i know from around my age or younger (maybe even 17/18) that do drugs are just losers

sure im stereotyping but stereotyping is fun init...

still i think mostly im right, there's a very big difference between people who 'drink' (everyone?) and people who do pot regularly...

im not talking about alcoholics from around mid 30's etc ofc they are as pathetic as potsmokers are :P

of course there are exceptions and if you like to think you are one of them then be my guest if it helps u sleep at night =)
I seldom do drugs (I count alcohol as a drug). It's more of a special occasion thing for me, parties, birthdays, festivals, etc. I don't see the appeal of it daily, or even weekly.
I can say i do drugs almost on a daily basis if you really count a beer as a drug :P

i must say i totally disagree with counting alcohol in the form of regular beers with friends as doing drugs though =X
I don't consider marijuana for being a drug compared to alcohol (which is in my opinion a hard drug in comparison). I'm not a regular pot smoker, but I do it from time to time. I think the reason why people judge pot smokers as losers, is that it's not widely accepted in our culture. Alcohol is an underestimated drug, that people have have accepted to be commonly used for invalid reasons. The fact that this cold hearted society has made people drink to get the guts to do or say certain things they wouldn't normally do is frightening. The harm alcohol causes to your body is huge compared to marijuana. All drugs, including soft drugs such as coffeine, are to be used with precautions. If you over use any drug, you're bound to be harmed in some way. You need limits, and I wouldn't say it's better to get stoned every day than getting drunk every day. The only thing I can say that makes me think marijuana is a safer drug, is the fact that you can't overdose on this drug, no matter how hard you try. I don't even understand why the word overdose isn't used about alcohol, because you can actually die from drinking too much at a time. I'd also like to add the trouble people can cause under the influence of alcohol, which you possibly won't do under the influence of THC (e.g. drunk driving, rape, abuse). I want to quote Ben Harper, because I think anti-marijuana propaganda seem to miss out an important point.

QuoteMy choice is what I choose to do
And if Im causing no harm
It shouldnt bother you
alright first of all let me get the following straight :P if you read very carefully u can see that i dont actually think ur a retard just because u like to smoke pod, what im saying is that most of the people i know (and its good reference because i know quite a lot of them) that smoke pod regularly are idiots.

please dont misunderstand me i'm solely saying that i just get the impression that most of them are socially disabled :P
I bet you find me socially disabled aswell then :P
Heck, I even shook your hand at SHGOpen!
i know u did and i remember what u look like and saying i dont think you are would be silly because those few days hardly left any impression :P you are one of my 2 favorite norwegians though so that automatically disables you from being socally retarded
second your opinion :)
this one deserves a big woot!

well said my friend
you have made a harsh stereotype and then said that it is stupid. then you said that any rebuttal is stupid. therefore your entire statement is in fact stupid
alcohol is a harder drug than heroin, fact.
ur not really getting the points im making... im not talking alcoholics/addicted potheads im talking regular potsmokers or any other drug for that matter.

fact is from my experience people from around our age (oh wait, you are 26 =X) who smoke pot a regularly are soar knobheads whereas people who drink regularly with friends (i am one of them which makes me cool) are not
"oh wait, you are 26 =X"

you are a real meany! :<<<<

a story: i had this quite big circle of friends, potsmoking a lot, we went out, had fun, went to museums, parties, theatre, book readings, etc (while being stoned OFC) , and somehow World of Warcraft hit a huge part of this group, what happenend? i have never seen most of them in RL again :O .

what i wanna say is everything you do excessively and without combination of anything else will make your brain go really numb.

our brain evolves thru all the different things that get absorbed by it, all the different ppl that it encounters. you experience more -> your brainpower will grow.

noone can argue that ppl that only do drugs get really dumb. but on the other hand our lovely brain can regenerate REALLY fast. i for one smoked from 18-24 a LOT, since then not that much. but i still like the drug, more than alcohol, its just such a dirty delirium :d
not according to this chart:
image: drug%20chart
dependence doesnt reflect the hardness of a drug solely.oh wait, wtf, i didnt read it complete.. wait a sec :) ok got it now, in this chart they are talking about street heroin ofc. cause its quite impossible for a normal junkie to get anything else then that, and that stuff will fuck your body up severly...
see what x axis is about? what else is there?
i corrected myself already
your chart prolly only applies in eastern european countries or perhaps it was made by a podhead
i doubt the physical dependance of alcohol is anywhere near that of tobacco. mental dependance is harder to measure, but i assume they didn't include that in this chart.
what happens to your body(over the years) when you are an alcohol addict?

your body will degenerate, your liver will fail, you die.

what happens to your body when you are an heroin addict?

nothing big.

plus the cool thing is, a heroin junkie can be integrated into normal society without any problems, try that with an alcoholaddict.. haha :d
yeah, cuz all the heroin junkies die before they get old :)
william s. burroughs died at the age of 83 , wrote a lot of books, and was an heroin addict all his life.
Heroin is definitely the worst in terms of physical harm and dependence.
ONLY when you get heroin of the streets that got mixed with all kind of other shit for the profit.

you get pure clean Heroin, your body will be happy.

im only writing all this stuff, cause i hate the ignorance how the health system fucks up the Heroin Junkies, alright they are addicted, its a sickness, supply them with clean heroin under control thru the pharmacies and let them live normal lives, go to work, etc. and dont just let them die in the streets cause they shoot shit in their veins. and NO its not their own fault. its a sickness caused by many different circumstances. they are poor souls, we cant just let them die.
How is that relevant though? We're obviously talking about the street heroin which is consumed by junkies, and it is more dangerous than alcohol.
raising the awareness! :)
useless awareness. it is almost impossible to get pure heroin so why bring it up in the context of the debate? plus you forgot to include the social damage that any form of heroin causes, including personal damage in terms of day to day work and generally life etc
weed= softdrugs
alcohol= hardrugs

now gtfo
some of the smartest people I know do pot moderately often... your stereotyping... as perfo pointed out, you probably drink, but I don't think everyone who drinks is aggressive.

you only live once my friend, if you think a few joints is gonna fuck up your life then you are delusional.
I think rbnt actually meant "do drugs on a very regular basis", concerning the last part of your post
of course these kind of comments on a website like crossfire which is absolutely stuffed with potheads will cause some uproar =(
i am just saying that cuz i smoke weed dont make me nobrain
whats that supposed to mean =X
What I find more interesting is this:
Quote[...] the study might ultimately be used to support political positions on marijuana. Those could include whether there should be harsher criminal penalties, whether it should be decriminalized, or whether it should be allowed for medicinal purposes.
Where to sign up?
University of Iowa
those places r probably already taken by now :( and i wish they wouuld do those tests somewhere closer in europe.
I guess this is exactly what you've been looking for! ;d
link for signups
i liek xtc and i cannot lie
sign me up!
Canabis consumption can just as easilly be kept in a modest usage as alcohol. I used to do drugs for example, and not just weed...alot. I managed to quit all of it, except for drinking.. i drink on a regular basis, so in my individual case, alcohol is worse than drugs to me, because for well over a year and a half i've managed to stay away from them. I would consiter myself a "loser" as you like to call it, when it comes to alcohol. Take last friday and last wednsday for an example, i spent around 200 euros on clubs and stuff on wednsday and around 300 on the friday. This the day after and still today bothers me, and i bet you a 100 euros i wouldnt have spent that money if i was stoned.
i never did drugs and im happy with my life

cant see the point in drugs tbh... they ruin your life - bottomline.
Could'nt agree more.
Does that include alcohol?
i see alcohol different then drugs

yes alcohol can become addictive too but drugs is much more dangerous. sol you know Malta's lifestyle, weekend comes, get drunk, bk to school/work

thats how we live in here. so us maltese dont really compare alcohol with drugs...
Ethanol, however, is a drug.
That is how it is in most countries...
im quite sure that you have a larger scale of alcohol addicts in scandinavia...
Scandinavia is full of brutal metal heads and people of viking descendant. They deserve a big bottle of mead/whiskey!
Your statement was fairly vague that's all. Beer (alcohol) and coffee (caffeine) are drugs in much the same that cannabis (thc) and heroin (morphine) are drugs.

Since this journal is about cannabis I can only assume you're refering to it as being something that can 'ruin your life' which is absolutely absurd since alcohol is far more likely to do so.
school edification has done the job for u
having your brother working with drug addicts makes you wanna shoot those bastards

and here im talking about addicts... they even take drugs before going to rehab... its disgusting

if these guys wanna test on marijuana effect, you will end up being an ADDICT which is much more different then just taking it during a party once in a while.
Finland is full of 30-50 year old alcoholics and that aint pretty either
yes thats why i look alcohol dangerous too

infact i dont really get drunk that much often either, as in... totally drunk that you remember nothing... wtf is the point of spending money when you won't remember a shit?

the thing as i see it is that marijuana is easier to get addicted to rather then alcohol because nowadays, marijuana is rather cheap too...
u write too much based on assumptions =\
well i used to go out with certain friends

started with alcohol, cigarettes then marijuana, xtc and i stopped.

nowadays they won't live if they dont have marijuana with them and xtc during a party

IF they didnt work all ready or their parents werent a bit more then the middle class im quite sure they would ruin their life...
lol, you have no idea
Alcohol can be worse than (other) drugs >_>

And that's coming from experience too, i'm sure others would agree
try atleast extasy :D:d;d

the pity i have for those people who take xtc during a party is worse than those who have nothing to eat...

i laugh my ass off (coz of what they do) when i see some1 on xtc.. lol
try it on some rave /o\

or only clubs @ malta
we have both of them

you rarely see some1 on xtc @ clubs...

i saw hundreds the few parties i went on xtc and i dont really like the idea...
Well its not that addictative nor SUPERDANGEROUS for your health , just feeling in a safe & nice place for 2-3 hours with 0 care about everything. But after that you feel depressed and angry(somehow;s) for 2 days , really get's me.

And no , I'm trying to make you use them!!
i get depressed when i drink a lot

probably i will suicide if i try xtc :p

gl keeping encouraging me but no thx, keep them for yourself :)
i ve got a friend who smokes weed on advice from the doctor.
legalizing it would be the only good thing a goverment can do. i dont say this becouse i use weed myself, i say this becouse in holland it is (sort of) legal wich makes the strength of the drug managable. the numbers dont lie, in holland there are less marijuana users (in terms of % to the people of a country) then for example france. alot of european countries even think of equalizing it to alcohol as an accepted drug. and as far as the statement from rbnt, this is just rediculous, you cant say every "pothead" is just a dumb person, it helps people relax just like alcohol. in my experience i know more not-so-very-smart (exclusively) alcohol drinkers then not-so-very-smart "potheads". and finally i dont think any1 can judge a drug if they havent tried it themselves, if u dont want to do any drug thats fine by me, but dont try to take away the pleasure for others to do it, just like we "potheads" dont try to take away alcohol from the alcohol (ab)users.
I don't know if many countries have as big a problem with alcohol as Scotland do..

Personally i drink quite heavily, i'll usually have a night out during the week and one at the weekend where i'll be spending £70 on booze and get far too wasted - black outs and be totally out of control of what i'm doing. My friends say i do get a bit aggressive but they know its in good fun, shame other people don't see that when i walk up and give them a slap on the head :DD

I know its dangerous and i'm harming myself but i'm only young and figure i'm not going to be able to cope/get away with this when i'm older and have a decent job/responsibility so may aswell get it out my system just now. The best nights are the ones you can't remember!
what the fuck are they still testing? just go to holland and make some basic IQ tests and you will see how it affects brains
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