americans ffs

some mins ago, I joined a american public server, because BiO was empty and cybergames is annoying...
aaaaaand so it happened: "server disconnect - player kicked" :(

You ask me why?
It's possible because of my name. My nick was "fat American" :(

I did a 3 man spawnkill airstrike @ oasis and whuhasuhwaschwumm, kicked

seriously, fuck you you fat twats :(
bb -.-

care mode 1

image: obese_american
hahaha no w0nder how of your name "Fat americans" see what i did there too :D
real pic from wOnder ?
Hero, you are one.
yeah we are ignorant also arent we
actually, you fucktwats are -.-
LOL it looks like a 16:9 wallpaper xDDD
Saw you connect, but...

Yes, it's because you're European, definitely. It's not like there aren't ~3 euros playing on SNL most days...
How do you know that I played on SNL? :D
Because I "saw you connect"?! ;o

*edit* And because there are only 2 etpro pubs in America, so I had a good chance of guessing anyway.
What's the name of the other one? :P
ET-Box, but it has more hackers than SNL, euros will get higher ping, and currently has some weird class restrictions. :)

Actually there is one other pub but they ban you for being too good as a medic so...
everytime i connect as Mica they kick me too Lol
not really.. im fucking loved hmm whoops?? where are you homiee
poor chair :<
Try connecting as ignorant twat, might help.
WTF @ pic
you liake @ a itilain guy =p
unless thats not me @ profile pic (insider gag kinda) ppl say i look like a turk actually :'(

eventhough im austrian 100%, hope so... u never know 4 sure - especially not after this news from fritzl!! :DxD

haha kwhos that then ;p
du siehst wie Andreas Türck aus
show ur really foto!
no, eben drum ja präventiv schon mal das profile-pic! ^^
:DDDDD hi@tobiimage: 4CA59FD9E2F9B502F521EFE103948 8)
tbh, thats not even close to me!

hi2u turk4real! ;ö)
lo, bored@home :d
oh I found 'your' pic, you stealer!
lol, congratz! could he imagine a better promotion of his face than with the nick of "rapture"? i dont think so! he'd appreciate that, i know! :D

me is bored @ work..reporting sux
so true @ rapture nick part :P
gonna learn my fridays exam now and go out soon
<3 ^^

i skipped the exam tomorrow...just too much to learn :/ ill do one at the end of may and 2 at the end of june. then i have to do 3 more exams and im done with university! hello world :(
please wonder dont pretend taht ur highskilled and its liek 0-care 0 shugar if u get kicked from a random aEpub
i read in the today's newspaper that they are like the most stupid people in the world
there are some servers (yarly) that disallows spawnkillin
sounds redicilous (it really is) but its teh truth
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