My 2nd day at work

Morning guys!

This is my 2nd day in my new job, working as tech-support in local commune building. I'm still bit terrified, mostly because i don't really know the people in here. Well i guess it takes some time to get familiar with them. I visited library this morning, they had some issues with their file system so i had to fix it up. I think i'm gonna enjoy this once i get used to everything!

Tomorrow i'm gonna have to move my office to another room, shitloads of stuff to move.

HF in school/work everyone!
not going to school/when is there gonna be a new comic ?
I've more or less stopped doing them, sorry.
h8m3 h8s u 4 dat!
How do you know? :x
LoL, you should know it as well since we're all living in the same appartment!
Idd shame on me. ;'(
I'm still waiting for your Guten morgen! reply.
Das ist the problem with you, after few times of replying to pms you become ² lazy to reply and i can't finish to say all what i wanted and then i forgot.

but still <3
sad :/ but understand, gl hf irl.
you'll be fine in a few weeks mate always a nervy experiance starting somethin new good luck :p
Im doing +/- the same but at a private hospital since 2/3 weeks (+ studying at mornings) . Its very nice tbh :) My work mates are nice that's why i only needed 2/3 days to get used.
Gl at your new work
wish i had a work where i could surf in the work time:P
hey, i hope you enjoy your first/new workingdays in you new work.. i hope it's a worth z money u get and aboout that thingy with the workinm8 i guess it will be np to get to know them but yeah its takes lil time! but dont give up the fight b nice to em and u will get the same response np4u and so on GL :D
and what exactly r u doing there?
Well what do you think tech-support is supposed to do :) ? I help people with computer-related problems, I keep the computers clean and updated etc.

Right now i'm going to update 13 computers and clean em' up.
hi shepi, gl at ur new work!
2nd day at work and already surfing teh interwebs?
l33t job isnt it
Well i'm practically the boss of myself, so i can do whatever i want to do when i'm alone in my room =P
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