Iron Sky teaser is out

"In 1945 the Nazis fled to the moon. In 2018 they are coming back!"

Three years after the release of Star Wreck: In The Pirkinning, a Star Trek parody distributed solely via internet, Energia finally launched the teaser of their second movie, Iron Sky.

The teaser has been under production for about two years now and was originally announced about a year ago. A lot of people gave up on the hope of it ever being released, some thought it was a Ponzi scheme of some kind, but to our surprise, it has actually been released. And looks pretty good.

Check out the teaser on Youtube
Thanks for the info .. really.
LOOOOOOOOOOL your post made me laugh : D
Cus I smell sarcasm : D
yeah loled hard! Nazis went on the moon. Thougth it's a joke... but theyre gonna rly make such a film!
not sure but i think that movie is gonna fail
finnish movie = phail
NAZIZ COMEBACK! this is the day what I have been waiting!
me 2... but to kick theyr ass!
Funny, I was watching "Der Untergang" last night.
it looks intresting
couldn't find out any release date though?
It's just a demo to show off the feeling of the film to possible financiers, so it's really early in the making... Might be out within the next, say, two years or so. :)
sad :-( it really got my attention : D

i liked it.
I think I will like this one.
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