New Epic Albums ?

So im looking to Buy/dl some new albums to jam to

looking for dance / rnb / garage / house

need some suggestions thnq

#signum btw ;)
buying music
Pendulum - In Silico

NEW(ish might not be xD) GARAGE ALBUM
Garage Classics - mixed by the wideboys with 3 discs worth

1st i hope

in my opinion your music taste sux
hardstyle > all this shizzzle xDD
i guess u contemplate slitting ur wrists everyday ?
he's a metaler,not a emo tbh :o
they come in the same category imo
nooot :P i'm listening to metal myself but not to that hard shit and i'm not cutting my wrists o0
but i'm listening to everything so np for me
in my opinion you got no life fuckin metaler
man, thats not music! its just some sad prick screamin his guts out on a microphone -.-
its a girl

edit: and trust me, you can absolutely not win a discussion about music against me, I'm not gonna explain in details why, but trust me, you won't :)
he might not by himself but if i join him u got no chance
:'D keep dreamin lad

if u knew dutch I'd post up an article written about me in some newspaper a few years ago, maybe then you get the magnitude of my knowledge of music :>
knowledge of shit music maybe
actually my favorite technical music genres are funk and jazz, and I also really like inspired trance, but atm I listen much metal cuz thats like my thing atm :>

trust me lad, my whole life's about music, and I'm a funk music musician (even though atm I play in a metalband, but my pracs are still funk play, not metal :))
But where's the discussion? You say you like it, he says it's crap, there is nothing to discuss here.

In Flames rock :{
in flames rocks idd :D
and saying tourettes is crap is like saying angelina jolie is ugly, some ppl think that, but it absolutely isn't true.
The composition of the music from Tourettes is fkin epic, and live they play as tight as a... tight ass :D
I think Angelina Jolie is ugly and I'm right about it, just as you're right about the fact that she isnt. Thats because terms as ugly, good, beautiful are all subjective and thus those things can't be a set fact.
k, maybe bad example, but music can be defined by good or bad though, well, at least in terms of technique and feeling :>
I dont think so, because good and bad are still subjective matters. That which you find good, could still be bad music to me. Yes, there is a general degree in how hard something is, but that also has a subjective base, since some people find it easier then others.
I do get your point though, but you can't state that something is good or bad isn't objective, since it isn't a set fact. Then you should say something is good/bad in the general opinion. :)
(niet bedoeld om jou te flamen maar om te zeggen dat bijna niks zwart/wit is ;)
ik heb het puur over technisch he ;)
daarin is weldegelijk een zwartwit onderscheid te maken :>
Technisch gezien zijn dingen wel moeilijk en makkelijk maar dat kan ook verschillend zijn, weer afhankelijk van hoe goed je ergens in bent. Maar dat is alleen zo als je het pur objectief bekijkt. Vanuit een generale opininie kan je wel idd dat onderscheid maken :)
Common - Finding Forever

awesome album - worth the dl/purchase
talibs new 1
nice oxymoron. new epic
Rock The Discoteque vol.01
Rock The Discoteque vol.02
Rock The Discoteque vol.03
Sander van Doorn - Supernaturalistic
epic doesn't go with any of those categories
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