Windows XP SP3 Released

Topic says it all, Windows XP SP3 released for download.

Get it via Windows Update or download the full package here:
Windows XP Service Pack 3 Network Installation Package for IT Professionals and Developers
I will open a journal tomorrow.
open a journal about?
ty for the infoes
worth installing?:0
Any known issues yet? Wouldn't want to install a failure.
Wont install xD
Installed it some days ago on 2 desktop computers and a notebook. Works fine so far.
any beneficial changes?
installing now but pretty sure its just a compilation, SP3 RC3 was pretty much uninteresting
what changed
sp2 works fine, so why change ? ;o
Fixes known issues/bugs/security shizzle, adds moar features like networking tools and stuff
hmm, gonna try it then. Thanx
What's the difference between this one and the one that was released sometime last month..?

I had it on my pc before my windows HDD died on me
that was a release candidate, a little bit better than a beta, not the full product
mmkay. I'll grab an ISO or whatever I can get my hands on later so when I finally manage to fix my dead HDD I can install it straight on :>
And it has been available from microsofts homepage för quite some days now..:P
well i built a laptop on sunday and it was not released then but it is today so not that old -,- and clearly plenty of people did not know about it
he prolly meant the prerelease almost-like-beta-thingie

Yes you will probably not understand anything since it swedish but aparently the english version has been available since the end of april ^^. But you are right, it's basically sp3 but not the full product since there was a little problem of some kind, but only with "Dynamics Retail Management System".
It was meant to be released some days ago, but was pushed back due to some bug breaking an ms app.
It was released like a week ago already!
Ye, but it was possible to get it from microsoft's server.
old + gave me fps boost!
How's that, from 999 to 1000?
dude wtf.. that girl on your profile is fucking hot
so i tried to download it and wow whats up with this stupid catcode on rapidshare lol.. entered 2 many wrong codes

w/e got it from megarotic now hah

*Lol and ofcourse! JJ.AM YEAH GOOD SHIT BRA
oh she got some weird boobies.. well they look weird w/o the bra
no they don't, they are just natural. Not every girl with big tits has fakes :D
will it work on my illegal version? xp pro 64bit or will it auto install that genuine stuff with it?
well unless its been activated i dont think it will install but most illegal copys can make it a 100% legal copy even though its illegal o.0
Old news!
hmm dunno about performance increases, i suspect thats only because it doesn't overwrite one fix with another, just done a clean install of XP SP2 and then SP3, still had another 85MB of possible downloads from microsoft to add in. It doesn't slipstream IE7 or media player 11 into the service pack which is kind of disappointing since microsoft claims IE7 is a "high priority" update and i suspected that they would release the full version of IE8 with this SP but not to be it seems
100% Agree!
so why this 1 week after it has been released??? dont tell me u checked everything and its bug free!! ok evo posts so download it dear xp users...

be careful for our more not so knowledgeable/jump on the bandwagon users please.....
Just installed, works fine but dint notice and changes.

It checks for valid key while installing, just a little heads up.
what does this pack offer?
Check out my journal here for some more info.
sp1 ftw
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