
Hey, it's lunchbreak over here and i'm chilling a bit. Things at work are starting to look / feel good, i'm really enjoying the place already. Haven't had much to do this morning but tomorrow i'll go visit some elementary schools (have to update their computers and stuff).

Weather got bit warmer today, yesterday it snowed a bit =( Summer please show up already!

Oh and by the way, i created account in Youtube. I'll post some classic trance tunes in there, have a look!

Have a nice day peeps!
where do you live if there snowed yesterday ? :D
Western Lapland!
city name plx :D at least here in Helsinki it's been quite nice weather all the time tho.
he lives 20km from me

no u cant touch me
btw just buy new CPU as someone did comment to your journal :D
more RAM can help but if you could buy more RAM and new CPU it would be naijz for your FPS :D

or just save month or two and buy completely new pc.
HELLO, HE-HE-HE!!!!!!!!!!
its 25°C here
same around paris
Paris Hilton is not that hot..
I'll have lunchbreak in an hour i hope

still didn't do much at work only coverted 300 email adresses to info@ adresses and posted 1 news items on the website xD

And yes I'm a lazy mathafucker

And the weather is to nice to be at work, maybe I'm going home early (my boss leaves at 14:30 :D:D:D)
ctrl+alt+delete snow
cg_drawsun 1
haha...boring day @ work again... but i have free Thu&Fri so i'm happy now ^_^
And the day is over! <3
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