Language Journal

Aren't journals with a [language] tag allowed anymore ? :S
Why not?
in liberty city they talk alot of strange languages , but ive beated them up! np

- Rule:

For the most part, English is the only language allowed on Crossfire. However, other languages are permitted in the journals section, provided that the title of the journal contains the language intended to be used in the journal content.

For example:

Quote "Journal title: Bratwurst (GER)
Journal content: Ich liebe bratwurst."

This is the only situation where you are permitted to use a language other than English. You may not put a language in the title of your journal if you are not going to use it in your journal. Also, you may not put (All languages) or other such things in your journal title.
english for the win
its not allowed to put a (ger) in ur journal and write the text in the journal in ger+english >_>

got nearly banned for that :X
For how long and what reason?
0 days...sol warned me via pm
They are, but only if there is a need to post in that language. Most of what gets posted in foreign languages however are posts that don't need to be in that language but are just posted by ppl who are too lazy to type english or too lazy to translate that one small sentence they posted. Those will simply get deleted.
deleted mine aswell..:S
Why am i in need to write english if its about the dutch history pff

edit: so basicly you are saying [...] are not allowed anymore
No I'm not saying that. Read my first comment again.
I know but give me an example of journals where there have to be posted in their own language. If you ask me it's always about being lazy.
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