Intelligent design

These days im writing a synopsis in school about this subject. So the reason why im writing this journal is to just hear about what other people think about Intelligent design. Is it just religious propaganda or does ID have a point?

Is Darwin's theory wrong and why?
ask spirea, he's an intelligent design believer.
why oh why do you ask crossfire about these subjects that require at least a second of thinking.
Because these are the ones that keep me and several other interested in this shitpit of stupid questions and illiteracy.
darwin is right
why do you think that?
because when you just take a look at the nature you see his theory. Humans are doing what they want with animals, and in the animals world there also is a kind of "hierarchy"
no, the other guy.
id is what scientology officially believes and id is popular in america isnt it? xD we had something like that for about 2 weeks in school ~~
Yep. What do you think about it?
mom getting some infos from school gimme a sec :>
Thanks a lot would mean a lot!

Mr. don't ever discuss a subject with you since you always win the battle! (mztik case) :D
okay so basically this is what we learned in school ( germany ). I think you know the main things on which this ID is based on.
So here's my opinion:

First of all I respect that everybody may have his/her own opinion, no matter on what topic. The question is if Charles Darwin or this ID is right or, more important to me, should be taught in school. If you personally believe in god and in the bible, you may do so as long as you don't harm anyone it's okay. Now changing from the personal part to the thing that everybody HAS to do: going to school. In germany there's a sepperation between the state ( schools etc. ) and religion. Therefore Darwin's theory is teached in biology instead of the Creationtheory ( The one written in the bible, since I don't know if it's got a unique name :X ). If you now try to bring in your religion into biology which is mainly based on science - even though the Darwin theory can't be proven but is considered to be true - you will mix the state and religion. Mixing those two things would take you back to the middleage and would discriminate other religions like the buddhism for example. So in my opinion this would be totally stupid to actually teach ID instead of Darwin's evolution-theory.

Another important factor is that this religious thinking just damages the lives of some kids. Because of their parents being totally religious, they don't allow their childen to go to school. Those kids will suffer in their later life since they won't have a proper education and will most likely be unemployed.

If you want your kid to learn ID you should send it to private schools since public schools are made for everybody and not everybody is religious and believes in god or not in the christian one. Also I think ID is only becoming - or is - popular because of the bad teaching on the Darwin theory. If we would improve it, make it more clear for people to understand and to follow, I think this ID-hype would fall down or even vanish.

Basically this is MY PERSONAL opinion. Feel free to reply to me if you want to argue about it :D

If you find any typos or anything like that feel free to pm me also :D
said the one who was brainwashed the whole life over the darwin's theorie lol
actually I don't care if I got brainwashed or not it's just the facts that everybody can watch outdoor. If you got some insects that use mimese ( having the same color and form like the outer appearing ) they survive instead of those that have some obvious colors. That allows the one to survive and multiply whilst the other one dies. And THAT IS what the darwin theory is basically about
poor knowledge about darwin's theorie
nope thats it

you have your animal -> there are some random changes based on their genes -> either the new appearance or abilites are superior to the old ones or not is decided then -> causing the superior new abilitys to multiply while the other ones are just being wiped out
darwin's theorie is teaching about more things as only about u named
man don't you get it? the Creation is about god just instantely creating those animals while the darwin theory is about those animals developing into the ones they are now. And that's the difference between those two theorys ~~
You're argument is sidestepped quite easily, creationists invented the phrase Intelligent Design for the sole reason to getting around what you've just said. In their eyes, what they want you to believe, is that it IS science.

It's actually to our benefit to treat it like a scientific theory; under the cold, hard light of an objective eye, the moist lies of evangelism dry out, crumble and bring the whole theory down with them. It's utterly trivial to disprove the theory on scientific grounds, and even more mind numbingly easy to see that darwins theory is superior.

Of course, the problem with creationists is that they want to have their cake and sacrifice it to their God at the same time: they want their theory to be considered science, without being subjected to any of the rigour.
Of course they want us to think it's science since the judges just put religious teachings in the US.
Now calling it "science" allows them to teach it in public schools.
Which means that you're entire argument has about as much worth as the semen I just wiped from my keyboard.
Nope I stated that this is NO science since it teaches the bible and is only shown as science while it is pure religion. Therefore my comment makes more sens than the millions of sperms you just killed on your keyboard xD
You saying something isn't science and it not actually being science are completely different things. If they have a theory and are looking for evidence to back up that theory, which they most certainly have and are, then they are performing what we commonly reffer to as "science".
You saying something isn't science and it not actually being science are completely different things.

I,myself, am saying that it is NO science just an overedited creationtheory. This has nothing to do whether it actually being one or not. I just stated my opinion since you can't argue with it. It is the most talked about subject in the world and all times, so I won't be the one to come up with a solution
Uhm, it's your opinion whether something is science or not? That's one of the more retarded things I've heard all week, congratulations. Science is a method, it doesn't matter whether you're correct or not. Me saying "My cat dissapears whenever I can't see it", is a theory, this is not science, nor could it ever be in the same sense that the statement "the world is round" is not science: the science comes from taking evidence from the world and using it to back up your theory - This is something creationists most certainly do, although often times they misinterpret or misrepresent the evidence they've collected, but it is nevertheless true that they are performing science, even if you yourself don't believe it.

The argument about creationists being scientists is not the most widely argued subject in the world, it is whether or not God exists, but we weren't arguing about that in this conversation.
for me this is just a theory with smaller additions like that they believe that the universe is a lot older than they thought or believed and that there is evolution in the microevolution. But they believe in a higher being and there is no proof for something like that. According to you they have proof but just got the wrong idea.

the science comes from taking evidence from the world and using it to back up your theory

Okay so if I say god is true and he exists and I take the bible as evidence then this is no theorie but science? Or if I say bearmanpig lives and I have a footprint that is surprisingly big, this makes it actually science? Sorry I just simply can't agree with you there. It may be science by definition but to me it's just plane talking about a theory that lacks some serious proofs
Yes, it is science if you find a footprint that you think is manbearpig, or if you attempt to find any evidence that supports your claim. Science is not being right or wrong, science is a method, a set of tools we use to find out which one we are: the foremost of which is collecting evidence.
this may be the official description for sicence. And therefore you are right and I am wrong. But I think science should be something with solid proof that just doens't get blown away at the slightest comment or criticism. So I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't think anything that is not proven should be called science, even though you are totally right with your statement
"And therefore you are right and I am wrong."


There is no proof of either the existence of God or the non-existence of God, so seriously, shut the FUCK UP. Your argument about evolution is just you reciting some unrelated bullshit you picked up in school.

Creationists easily avoid your argument, by saying that the theory of evolution is correct, but it is part of God's plan for us to evolve into humans. THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION CAN HELP THE THEORY OF INTELLIGENT DESIGN. So stop fucking using it to disprove design.

Come to your own fucking conclusion instead of reciting what school tells you.
wtf man? Your reply was totally out of context O.o I just said that he is right on how science is explained nothing more or less than that O.o
Manbearpig is dead.
Well by not allowing children to be teached in ID in "public" school won't the system end up like the ex-communist countries where the state aka system decided what children needed to be teached in. It would remove the freedom of teach which is totally wrong in my opinion.

Botj theories are proven that they are right in a greater or lesser extent.

As something else you said that mixing state and religion would bring us back to the middle ages but why? There are a lot of countries which are mainly runned by following their religion. I know there are some problems but they will always be there.
As something else you said that mixing state and religion would bring us back to the middle ages but why? There are a lot of countries which are mainly runned by following their religion. I know there are some problems but they will always be there.

For example take Germany.

If you mix state + religion it would be christianity. So making christianity part of the state and allowing it to judge, we would discriminate other religions. Also you wouldn't be allowed to remarry or to get a divorce. Just think about it. I don't know if you are into god or something but I just honestly don't care if there is somebody watching while there is a total lack of prove that he even exists. Now assuming that I had to learn it against my own will just because you mix state and religion , wouldn't this be against my human rights? So mixing state and religion automatically fucks up your human rights and therefore I think it would be a bad idea
Well not that im that much into christianity since im a muslim i would say that you need to try to find a place to fit in.

In the koran it says that you need to respect other religions! Its prolly like that in almost every religion. Wouldn't you say that one of the meanings with life is to find a place where you fit in?

I know from my own experience that going into a church feels a bit awkward but if i need to do it, so i can live in a christian country i would do it.

I know than i can "connect" better with muslims but having a christian friend is as good as a muslim to be honest, and actully its better sometimes.

The question about remarry or to get a divorce is a very hard question. I don't really know what we can do about this. Im personally not that glad of divorces since it against feels kinda awkawrd. But i think that christianity, islam, & the jewish community would automatically accept it since its part of the modern world.

Not to sound mean or dumb but human rights is something thats so fucked up that i won't even discuss that. Sorry.
In the koran it says that you need to respect other religions! Its prolly like that in almost every religion. Wouldn't you say that one of the meanings with life is to find a place where you fit in?

Problem is the Christianity is a Monotheism which means you only believe in one god and only in this one and there are no other gods than the one GOD.

I know from my own experience that going into a church feels a bit awkward but if i need to do it, so i can live in a christian country i would do it.

Onces again your opinion. Would this make it better? You HAVE TO go to church to live in a country? Sorry I would never do this since I wanna have my own free will and if I feel like going to church I do so but nobody will ever force me to.

I know than i can "connect" better with muslims but having a christian friend is as good as a muslim to be honest, and actully its better sometimes.

Actually I don't care about the religions my friends have or if they even have one. So this point is the same for me =)

The question about remarry or to get a divorce is a very hard question. I don't really know what we can do about this. Im personally not that glad of divorces since it against feels kinda awkawrd. But i think that christianity, islam, & the jewish community would automatically accept it since its part of the modern world.

NOT. Sadly the katholic church doesn't tolerate divorces except in special things. The pope has to divorce you and you have to pay a lot of money or something like that. All I know is that it's extremly hard,difficult and expensive to get a divorce in the katholic system.

Not to sound mean or dumb but human rights is something thats so fucked up that i won't even discuss that. Sorry.

Sadly true =(
Well to shorten it up i think that every religion will automaticlly fit in just as everything else in this world.

I sense that you prolly will disagree with me and i would love to continue with this conversation but i really need to make this synopsis! :D

Thanks a lot!
just one last thing

Well to shorten it up i think that every religion will automaticlly fit in just as everything else in this world.

this is just narrowminded since there will always be someone who thinks he's superior. Just watch the Iraq war and those terrorist ( not the american one this time : P ) that just suicide because of a holy war against america and for allah? how can such a religion fit in? =(

nP if I actually helped you ^-^ but I feel like this didn't help you at all xD
As my dad said after he fought in the balkan war. Everything can happend in war and everything will happend. Im against the so-called matyrdeath since its totally unresponsible.

BUT, BUT BUT! if i was in war and i knew i would die in the upcoming week then im 100 % sure that i would do everything what it takes to destory as much of my enemy as possible. Sorry to say it but that includes a sucideattack.
BUT, BUT BUT! if i was in war and i knew i would die in the upcoming week then im 100 % sure that i would do everything what it takes to destory as much of my enemy as possible. Sorry to say it but that includes a sucideattack.

the problem is that those suicidebombers just don't kill theirselves or the soldiers but also innocent people. Also they aren't so often used in wars but in populated citys to kill as much innocent people as possible =(
and bombing cities doesn't kill innocent people right
first time i actully agree with you! i feel kinda dumb :(
of course it does but there's a difference.

The main target of bombing isn't killing innocent people but soldiers or talibans in that case. While suicidebombers just aim for innocent people.

After all war isn't nice or fair and of course innocent people will suffer =(
ID is what creationists believe. Intelligent Design is the approach of extreme evangelists to sound somewhat scientific and reasonable. Scientology were the ones believing in some alien named Xenu being locked up in some space prison for being nasty towards others.
Why don't you move to DK? We could need some of you wnb danskere :D
Can't speak proper Danish yet, but if the Danish let me I'd be interested studying in Randers when I finish school :)
Why Randers? If i were you i would take Aalborg since we have one of the worlds best universities + i live there and its only 35 km's from Randers hehe.
Mainly because there is a local sort of convention where the Business Academy is present and hopefully I get some time to talk to the people from there. Apart from that I don't know about Aalborg's offers about degrees and such. And I'm not really certain about what comes after the Forces though :)
what a bullshit... and many other of christians dont believe in ID?
USA is the biggest supporter of ID.
yes, its right.
+ jews+rest
at the best go to an evangelic forum they know more as this community :p
going to an evangelic forum would be the badest idea you could ever make. It's like going to nazis and asking if hitler was a good fellow since they are the ones supporting it ~~
why i suggested it because of points and proofs which u didnt read in ur darwinistic school book
there is no proof of a higher Intelligence creating the world.
more proofs for ID as u think (of course it depends of what u understand under the proof)
there is no proof for Darwin's theorie (this was failed many times)
If you now try to bring in your religion into biology which is mainly based on science - even though the Darwin theory can't be proven but is considered to be true -

Of course you can't prove since you don't live long enough to see how the animals today will look like in ten thousand years. But you can see the things I posted before and therefore I personally believe that the Darwin-theory is way more likely to be true than some talking and guessing about a higher being.
no the point is not Darwin's theorie is maybe right or wrong, the point is it already failed in some points which u cant correct and which r the base for this theorie, what makes this theorie wrong
i cant tell u it coz that r 2 big themes, i just dont know how to begin and how to bind things together
there ar just much historical and science facts
Darwin just had a look at some turtles and saw that they are nearly the same but with just small differences. Therefore he thought that they all developed from one and just changed a little bit to fit in perfectly.
Darwin theory is based on:

Changeability: that the world can change
Same background: that every animal once had the same ancestors
slow evolution: that evolution proceeds slowly not extremly fast
natural selection: those with better and more fitting abilitys than others will survive and multiply while others will die :o
is that all what u know about this theorie?
tell me where there are 2 big themes? :<
1 big theme is the darwin's theorie and some noticing why this could be correct and the second is Creation with 1. proofs for creation and 2. proofs against the darwin's theorie.

like i said there ar much facts which belong together, thats why its not a small theme.
What are your proofs then?
it has a point and some proofs for this
Darwin's theorie is wrong coz of many points
Do I sense a troll?
if ur a troll so ur sense is right!
that would be me, thank you
ramen, and there are no cheaters in ET
Most of it revolves around trying to find an unbridgeable gap in the evolutionary process. There's nothing wrong with this in principle, theories are made to be disproven, but in practise they tend to lie about evidence and generally misrepresent themselves to the public - Meaning that it's quite hard to believe anything they say, the boy who cried God principle.

Personally, biology doesn't really interest me, so I can't tell you anything about Darwin's theory you couldn't learn from 5 minutes of web browsing - But suffice to say, if it hasn't suffered a major collapse by now, it probably never will.
it has no point
Darwin was totally right
why isn't ID right?
The designer did all of this — yet he found time to give some bacteria a really cool propeller?

Stupid bacteria. God always liked them better.

Darwin and ID can coexist, solution, "Evolution is part of God's plan".

Darwin is not a successful dismissal of the existence of God or ID.
Not really. ID is more than just "God is right". It's more like "Evolution is too improbable to occur randomly". ID for example states that every component of the human eye are too complex and irreducable to be be created in a development of try and error.
Intelligent desing? Darwin?

Burn in hell you dirty pagan!
Why does everybody use the term Intelligent Design? It's Creationism with a different label. The only difference is that Creationism states that because the universe looks designed a Creator must have made it, and ID states that because the universe looks designed an intelligent Designer must have made it.
Besides that, Creationism/ID is not scientific. It doesn't predict, you can't test anything nor can you reproduce your observations. And it barely explains anything. I won't even call it pseudo-science. It's religion.
ID = pseudoscience.
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