Guten Morning!

Okay so it's 4th day at work now, weekend is near! I'm alone here again till' next wednesday, so i'm the boss (of myself). Now i can surf in interwebs whenever i want to but of course i'm not going to do that.

I just arranged meeting with principal of one elementary school, i'll go there at 12 o'clock to update and clean up their computers. And i think i'm gonna have to take one of their machines with me and re-install the crap (apparently they've lost their administrator password in it).

Weather is quite cold again but it seems that sun is coming out, so perhaps it gets warmer eventually. Finland won Slovakia yesterday and Switzerland beated Sweden! Poor Sweden ;) .

Have fun at work / school / no-life!
:0 good morning 0:

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Poor crossfire is still sleeping :<
Go to school!
real madrid beat barca 4-1
are Villareal still ahead of Barca in the league?
7 points, 2 matches to go :O)
2 Days left, I've got 2 weeks school holiday afterwards.
Cheer and stuff
only today and tomorrow to goooooooo thank god.

gonna have to go and see Ironman tonight :OOOO trailer looks awesome.
I can browse the inets whenever I want, even when my boss is around.

he does the same :D
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