metal videoclips, which is your favourite??

ok this is an answer to this:

Most bands are too immature to actually bring out the "artsy" side of their music on their videoclips (also a huge factor is that most serious bands (which are imo the best ones) are too poor to make vids), and most of them are just using marketing ploys to make their music more accessible to adolescents by making their videoclips appear "cliche'd" (people headbanging etc) and "flowercore" in order to earn more money.

And dont get me started on blackmetal, the norwegian/scandinavian bm scene in general either has a certain "image" of making ridiculous & tr00 kvlt vids (like sacrificing sheep or burning down churches etc), i say these bands are just so stuck in the early 90s with the second wave of scandinavian (norwegian mostly) blackmetal, cause they think that if they make something a little more progressive than the BLACKMETAL legends they are not BLACKMETAL anymore. In fact those bands they worship all were psychologically confused, just think why did varg kill euronymous with 21 stabs... and why does everyone in the bm scene have to act like they smoked too much weed (i cant say that ive watched a single interview where the interviewed answers the interviewers questions like a normal human being)

best metal videoclip according to me was made by United States of America Isis (ambient sludge)

here it is

also: videoclip of Finland Moonsorrows 30min song: Jäästä Syntynyt - Varjojen Virta

one of the most stunning and meaningful videoclips ever created, although im not sure if its made by the band or by fans:

In Flames - Cloud Connected
what is artsy in screaming ^_^
the funniest vid would be "Redneck" from United States of America Lamb of god
most bands barely have a budget, and you end up with clips like in the old journal :O)

i like the revolution begins clip though

most rediculous has to be call of the wintermoon
i do not have a favourite metal videoclip..
there's a video on youtube which has the "10 worst black metal videos ever". pretty good watch

antti zegt:
perforator on 08/05/08, 13:24:37 PM | Reply

there's a video on youtube which has the "10 worst black metal videos ever". pretty good watch
antti zegt:
antti zegt:
antti zegt:
click the first link he gave
japs zegt:
not funny, noot
Immortal - Blashyrkh

you expect me to download the whole video of moonsorrow?!?!?!? never
you will likes it, i promises!
Never saw a metal videoclip which would be better than average and not boring/ridiculous.
i fucking agree, with the few exceptions ofc
I never watch metal clips cause they're 99% of the time absolutely horrible. Just listen to the music, don't watch the vids!

Link that kinda has something to do with the subject:
Disillusion - don't go any further
Slayer - Seasons In The Abyss
Artsy music video, coupled with a killer song

Pantera - 5 Minutes Alone
Nothing too artsy, straight on goddamn good music video

Down - On March The Saints
Again, I like the musicvideos straight forward, nothing too fancy

Pantera - Cemetery Gates
More Pantera, but what a great band. This song is just beyond awesome, even some non-metalheads might like the feel of it. It kinda sums up Pantera, varying between soft and full on action

Also, every single one from Megadeth, they have their own unique style that is evident in all of their music videos.
i never watch music videos
Burzum - Dunkelheit
In flames- Dead God In Me

fan video was really awesome (tho it had crappy 11/9 part in it), but seems like awesome youtube removed it
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