immoo :oooo

WoooW just look this muscles

image: muscles

New John Rambo ?

ill be honest. I want pictures of your cock before and after your steds
I like it just like this, when people have muscles but dont look artificial!
lol, i hope you know is fake
synthol imo
Do you find this impressive?
I'd rather say "pathetic"
Post pics of your arms or you get raped by a million of dicks
fake lol no one can get that big
look at his profile :D he knows is fake fosho
:D hahahaha
weak chest otherwise ok exept ur training longer then 2 months :D
1 month was 2or3 days ago. Its just the begin of my active gym. I dont get it why ppl write bullshit .. if they even don't know how it works.. :O)
Like perfo said, 90% of crossfire prolly arnt in good shape :P
Been training on and off since I was 17, so I kinda know. But I think your doing ok, I dunno about your trainings- and foodplans but I dont think ur that serious yet. And don't buy into that supplement bullshit, you dont need creatin or Weightgainers and shit like that, all you need is some BCAA'S (Bi-Chained-Amino-Acids) and some protein. That should get you started for the first 1-2 years. And dont forget to switch up your training. Example train 1 months low reps 6-10 with high weight to build some mass, then train 3-4weeks with lower weight and higher reps (to strengthen the small muscle fibers) 20+. That should really get you looking decent in about 6 months if you dont exessivly drink all your gains away on the weekend like I used to do when I started :D gl hf
I will try my best, thanks a lot ;)
He prolly just started, elsewise it would be really funny :D
just check the backround what he is training with :| thats for pussies
+ and he has nokia N70.
bench, pullup bar, 100-150kg freeweights with different curlbars is all a man needs tbh :>
True. 1 month was few days ago.
his shoulder looks okay though. Lose the gloves however, your grip suffers from using gloves. Use chalk instead

And I guess 90% on here doesn't have a better physique :D
my minds mr.
you should see me
i dream of it every night
i sure know it
actually that gloves are quite ok :) ..but yeh i can try also your option, thanks :)
cant you fags see that theres pic of girl in bikini at the background
I guess this is one those fag tests, that which did you see first the bikini girl in the poster or that shirtless man. I can honestly say that I noticed that poster first ;DDD
kua teb dogaja :D
no more muscle ? ;(
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