Sterchele , a Belgian footballer

Yesterday on the night of wednesday - thursday Francois Sterchele player of Club Brugge passed away.
He was driving on the highway at 3.00 am from antwerp to knokke when he lost control of his porsche and slammed off the road against a tree.

He was a promising forward that collected 4 National caps and gained the title of topscorer last season in the Belgium League.

Dutch Newspaper

R.I.P Cois !

Rfki also made a journal about him this morning .
old, but RIP

Vila ge zijt te laat man met je postje rfki heeft deze morgen al postje gezet.

Maar idd is echt erg hoorde het deze nacht op het werk :o

Als Brugge supporter mijn innige deelneming aan familie.
Another belgian gone \o/
another retard on crossfire \o/
Sorry but I am a firm believer of equality.

Why do famous people get attention when they pass away and normal people do not? What did they do special? What because they have fame, the whole world should know about their death and not care about your average person? who could have been the nicest guy in the world ...

We are all humans at the end of the day, people are dying every second so who the fuck cares about some footballer.
yes ok but if 50cent dies shud i go Yes another nigger gone \o/?

It matters for the fans, if 50cent dies i wouldnt care but i would still say rip bcoz respect for death ppl
No, you should not because that would be racist and racism is not a good thing. However if 50 cent died, you would not see me losing any sleep. Fans are fans because they like his music, they do not actually know what kind of person he is so it seems pointless getting upset over his death, or is it an act of selfishness by saying "damn ur dead so now I can't look forward to any new tracks from yourself"
and another belgian gone\o/ isnt racism ?
Quote by Faband another belgian gone\o/ isnt racism ?

No, it is not
ok i dunno in what world u live but ok
Maybe you should go back to school before you try to teach an englishmen their own language..
yes ok im actually teaching u how to speak english..
Racism is discrimination by race. "Belgian" is not a type of race, hence discrimination against belgians is not regarded as racism. You're welcome.
stereo type imo..
Two different things
ok oh so wise guy from scotland
Crossfire flags .. serious business.

It does not take a "wise guy" to understand what is meant by the term racism.
Quote by NickVRacism has existed throughout human history. It may be defined as the hatred of one person by another -- or the belief that another person is less than human -- because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes.

So , it is racism

now gtfo

Quote by FabGtfo plz.
Before you two get all excited with your belgian dictionaries.


"Racism, by its perhaps simplest definition, is prejudice and discrimination based on race. One with racist beliefs might hate certain groups of people according to their race (i.e., bigotry), or in the case of institutional racism, certain racial groups may be denied rights or benefits. Racism typically starts with, though is rarely confined to the assumption that there are taxonomic differences between different groups of people. Prejudices on other grounds would strictly categorize as discrimination to national or regional origin, religion, occupation, social status or some other distinction."

Racism is discrimination by race and race only, hence the term racism. Any english person will tell you the same thing. Hating belgians is not racist, it is prejudice.

Now let's be cool with our internet abbreviations.

Gtfo plz looolomgaot pwned!!1
dude u must be the biggest piece of shit i've ever seen! I don't give a damn if it's racism or not, the least u could do is show a little respect or just stfu, instead of celebrating the death of someone!!
Racism has existed throughout human history. It may be defined as the hatred of one person by another -- or the belief that another person is less than human -- because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes.

So , it is racism

now gtfo
hi belgian guy, oh shi- it's racism... not. You can draw the parallel now yourself.
No , thats not racism since it is in no way insulting

Didnt you get the text ?

Thats like saying someone has a black skin :)

Nothing wrong with that

If you go : Hey beltard fo
or Hey niggah

then it is racism
his post didn't contain "beltard" or whatever
'another belgian gone /o\'

certainly not insulting!

please ...
Actually .. it was \o/ not /o\ so please
So ?

Why the fuck should that matter to the point ?

Please get some brains before you reply again
There is a big difference between /o\ and \o/ to be quite honest
It doesnt matter to the point still ...
I think the fact that you have been sucked into believing that there is actually a difference between \o/ and /o\ just shows how gullible and stupid you really are.

So next time, remember. There is nothing wrong with being stupid, it is not your fault if you are not as clever as others. But do not go around posting on websites trying to act clever because then you reveal your stupidity to the whole world :(
Dude , I just know there are things that I dont know yet

Its something that you have trouble with in accepting it

And dont even start talking about intelligence here , because I'm sure that I will get a better paid job later anyway
Grats on looking like a noob. Read above, can't be bothered to explain the english language to another retarded belgian.
Grats on not knowing the definition of racism and starting an entire decision about it while you dont even know what you are talking about
Read above english wannabe.

Racism = discrimination by race.

Prejudice = discrimination by other things like place of birth.

Not liking belgians = Prejudice.

So like I said, grats on looking like a noob with your belgian dictionary websites :D
Sorry to disappoint you , its from a British site
I could not give a shit about what websites you find by typing racism into google. Go read wikipedia for yourself. It's like talking to a child here lol.
You are the one acting like a child here tbh

First you try and insult Belgium once more and then when you notice you failed you try to flame me

You seem to have a minorty complex

Poor you

Oh and wikipedia is also uploaded by regular users , so its info is not 100% trustworthy
I think you have proved the intellect of the average belgian person.

And yes, I still don't care about belgians. It's not insulting, it's an opinion and a prejudice one.

Now let's summarise what we have learnt here little boy.

Racism is a form of prejudice and refers to discrimination and dehumanisation by race. However, prejudice is not a form of racism and may entail not liking somebody based on their culture, place of birth, etc.

Ok good. I can go now happily knowing I educated two belgians who lack intelligence.
I think you have proved the intellect of the average belgian person

ok ...

And dont you get it ?

Someone can also hate black people for example , you could say thats HIS opinion

Thus what you just said didnt make any sense
Yes, thank you for emphasing that there is infact a d after the prove ..... I would like to educate you on past and present tenses but I am quite busy. May I suggest going to school ? Ok great, cya
You have proven or You proved would have been better in this case tbh
there are people dying every 3sec to be precise
Becaus famous people mean something to normal people. They can have a really big impact with the way they act and what they say.
And their death affects a lot more people than just the family and friends of the person, that's why it's in the news and stuff.
altijd van die stoere woorden hoe je van de wereld hou en dan reageer je met ":D" op zon tering comment van iemand.
omg man fuck off, rly I just lold, ofc it's harsh, but it rly made me lol ^^
ach ja laten we even lekker lollen om iemand die loopt te lollen dat er iemand dood is. Ga toch fietsen ofzo idioot.
1.8 mensen gaan per seconde dood en 3.6 komen erbij, np :)
wacht maar tot t mensen zijn in je directe imgeving kijken of het dan nog steeds geen probleem is.
je zou eens moeten weten...
nou dan is t nog grotere bullshit dat je om iemands dood ga zitten lollen als iemand zegt zo weer een belg minder jeej.
ik lolde om die kerel zn opmerking, niet om die gozer zn dood
you sir are a fucking retard.
#care enzo
if you dont care, dont post then, tard
Amazing how every dead soccer player eventually gets "promising". RIP though.
If you evolve in 4 years from the 4th division to topscorer in 1st & collect International caps you are promising.

die pee kwam uit 4de & 3de klasse

-> naar charleroi
-> topschutter bij GBA
-> Rode duivel & bij club brugge

image: wraksterchele2

Zonde van de porsche... meer zonde van zijn leven.
Gespreksitem vanochtend op't school :)
driving too fast, probably intoxicated

driving too fast are saying experts, he could had killed a kid.
At 3.00 AM in the morning? Nice trying to put some blame on Sterchele with that bullshit "he could have killed a kid".
he's just another idiot who drove to fast who happens to be a soccer player
Your point?
he was to blame , even for the kid he did not kill
Zalig de simpelen van geest want hen zal het rijk der hemelen behoren

Is van toepassing op u.
ja sure mrIQ20 , tis zoals bullvox zegt , tis omdat iemand bekend is dat het ineens nen held is terwijl het in feite nen vozen aap me ne porsche was die veeeeeel te hard ree. Hadde da random johneys geweest had iedereen gezegd ... tis hun eigen schuld.

Mijn neef is doodgereden door zonen aap gelijk den deze , dus ik gan em ier gene held noeme. ( en JA die werd doodgereden op nen dinsdagnacht om 4u )
Niemand noemt hem een held, men rouwt enkel om wie hij was (een goede voetballer en een aimabel man). En als een kind (iemand jonger dan 16) om 4 uur 's nachts aangereden wordt, is dat zijn eigen schuld. Hij/zij heeft niks verloren op de weg op dat uur.Was hij ouder als 16, tsja, c'est la vie.
amai men kloten , nei snappek wrm het iq gehalte van cb tegeworrig zo laag ligt
Slaagt wel effe tegen dan, aangezien ik geen CB supporter ben.
als zelfs de mongolen van CB u ne retard vinde ... zouek toch is men leven herzien
Over welke mongolen heb je het?
En waarom zouden die mijn ne mongool vinden? En indien dat zo is, who gives a fuck?

Ge zijt ook wel serieus goe uit uwe nek aant lulle.
He drove too fast, took risk and lost the control of his car. I don't care if he was a football player or something, his dead is only caused by his own fault. Luckily he didn't make a pile-up.
Ive never heard of this guy :o
rip anyway

sad news imo :(

heard it already this morning @ 7h30
I loved the moves with his hand after he scored

image: 804sterchelehg7
image: 804sterchelehg7.44a9adbf2a

but things happen ; going to a party and perhaps drank some alcohol :<
stolen from luca toni tbh
and probably luca toni stole it from pele or some other player , but that aint the point :P its a famous move in my footballteam =)
luca toni pwned the most
gattuso jz auch nach bayern
i love it <3
Jelle VanDamme > Sterchele :D
Ja en nu zeker :P
is dat die verdediger die bij ajax gespeeld heeft?

Herinner me een stukje van TV waar 3 belgen van ajax toendertijd op waren.. en met de vraag wie is het meest Amsterdammer? en toen moesten ze lachen en zei die van damme "kankerop man" :p en toen was t wel duidelijk wie t meest A'dams was ;D
Idd dat is hem. Ondertussen beter en beter geworden, bij ajax speelde gij wel eens slecht geloof ik , niet?
Ik had weleens een slechte wedstrijd maar dat heeft iedereen.
he was my best player at osm ;\
he died in osm too? ;o
those damn drugs took him =(
good player, only last season a bit less than with GBA! and yes it's hard to say the word gba because I support for antwerp but RIP anyway.

23 years young ... :(
really!? some nerd of my class said '23' soz
rip Cois :(

My world stopped moving for a while when I heard about this :-<
Ja, dan baal je zeker als een stekker!

poor guy, but wtf

he is just a a football player
Football is the most favourite sport in Belgium. A lot of people knew him and well, then it's pretty understandably.
rip, poor fella way 2 young 2 die
rip :<
Kvind het enorm jammer voor zijn familie, vrienden en voor de mensen die hem al die jaren steunden. Maar langs de andere kant (ik weet dat dit pas na een ongeval zware woorden zijn) is het een beetje zijn eigen schuld, met een porche over de snelweg scheuren en geen rekening houden met de maximale snelheid .. daar komen ongelukken van. Beschouw dit zeker niet als "brutaal" of "niet medelevend" want dat bedoel ik zeker niet. Het is en blijft één van de meest aangrijpendste dingen die ik dit jaar reeds gehoord heb. Hoe het leven van een jongeman van 26(?) zo snel kan omkeren, en hij had nog zo'n grote toekomst voor zich, wat een zonde ..
eigenlijk is het altijd wat erg opgeblazen als het een bekend iemand is. Er zijn dagelijks ongelukken waar mensen zich tegen een boom doodrijden oid.

Al neemt het niet weg dat ook voor bekende mensen t erg genoeg is dat ze zo"(vroeg) overlijden.
mja idd, maar het doet mensen wel eens nadenken.
hij was zat eh?
nee, hij reed te snel
Jah maar hy had teveel gedronken..

hy had een terraske gedaan in Antwerpe me wa vriende.. en dus teveel gedronke & reed daarom te snel :x
men pa was er nie goe van. Begint zo tege mij te zegge : "STERCHELE IS DOOD!", ikke : "wie?" :o
as a bruges citizen & bruges supporter this is very sad news, i just couldn't believe it
rip sterchele we won't forget u
RIP a shame
Dat krijg je dervan! Had je maar in Nederland moeten wonen!
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