epic games?

what should i play?

i havnt played:
hl2 & ep1 & ep2
deus ex & deus ex 2
fallout & fallout2
grim fandango
deus ex is the best choice imo
ANY TOMB RAIDER before angel of darkness (havent played others after angel of darkness but it was crap)
how do you know that i havn't played them already?
enclave is great
I liked bioshock demo.
System Shock 1&2 > Bioshock by far.
but bioshock remains a good game, you shouldn't compare them
not really, no
i played it and i liked it, didn't play system shock tho, yes i should be hanged.
fallout 2 all the way.
hl2 all the way.
The Longest Journey
The Longest Journey: Dreamfall

Play them in order, otherwise the story sux (original first, dreamfall as the latter)
i played dreamfall once, but i didnt finish it. it was pretty okay i guess..
i dont remember exactly what part i got to, but i was sneaking behind some guys window in some medieval city i think (i met that other girl who was leading some gang or sth and was playing as her) dont remember exactly
ye, that's the problem, you should have played The Longest Journey before that, then Dreamfall gets so much better, since it has lots of nostalgic redirections to The Longest Journey.

I'll pm u with a torrent, and I advise you to not stop playing The Longest Journey until you finished it, even though it takes 70 hours when you do it as fast as possible.
70 hours is too much for me, i cba playing ET once a day even
trust me, you'll be hooked

btw, it also took me a year to finish the fkin game, but it was worth it :D
hl2 & ep1 & ep2 - waste of space
deus ex & deus ex 2 - good and sequel crap
bioshock - just crap
fallout & fallout2 - dunno and epic awesome
psychonauts - dunno
grim fandango - dunno

i would add if you havent played

morrowind (oblivion is OK only with mods as too mutch console faggotry) - epic
operation flashpoint ( +red hammer + resistance) - epic
Fallout 2 is the best game ever and Grim Fandango IS THE shit
max payne and pop are just so fucking...amazing
both have epic storyline (bests i seen) and really fun
Enemy Territory
Guitar hero
Mario Kart 64
start with fallout, then play deusex but skip second part is crap, then go to fallout 2...

ps. u may try systemshock2 if did not play it
ETQW is awesome, Q4 2
Fallout 1/2 will always be fun ive played 1 for like 30 times and 2 about 4 times
what exactly do you do in fallout ?
you start as a guy with a knife and gun, u need to kill monsters. main goal is to find a waterchip to save your people and stuff, during the search you ca trade and find better weappons, its a turn based game, so u get like 8 action points , you can use them to shoot/walk/go to inventory and stuff, tough turn based is only in battle.
you nade to make some decision and make friends or enemies with people, you can gamble in some places to make/loose money, and u can steal of almost every person if your good at it.

to get better u need to gain exp by battling/stealing and other things after certain ammount u get points to improve your skills

thats about it hf :P
Dungeon Keeper 1
buy a wii
try ET pretty nice game
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