Canada vs norway

Just saw the end of it and... :D nice fuckup by norway. Rick Nash is just too good, game ended 2-1 for canada

random Nash-video:

random Nash-pic:
image: T1_0513_nash

ps1. if somebody doesnt know (belgians for example, coz they suck @ ice-hockey :DD) what im talking about then gtfo.
ps2. Finland Finland gonna win teh tourney now they got teemu selänne, saku koivu, ville peltonen, olli jokinen, tuomo ruutu, mikko koivu, niklas bäckström for example =))
ps3. Lets make love with white woman, children. and after that gn8
gief my journal bakc omg
Tomorrow Finland will bash Latvia
you know your shit. Norway is bit tough it seems, but I am glad that


yeah, USA >>> canada
As unlucky as we were against norway. Gonna pwn the USA in an hour.
3-1 for USA:D
3-2 Bastard
I was like "wtf?", when I turned on my TV and it was 0:3 after less than 3 minutes.
you have very good players, but your teamplay sux tbh :p. Afinogenov & Fedorov are SICK, they can win it for you = ]
u r right, no teamplay, but I think Russia maximum 3rd...
afinogenov has been ill for his entire life, so bad he is.
no fin no win
russia will win! Kovalchuk & Ovechkin > *
Nice broken cup, without one "feet".
Who gives a fuck about this so called sport anyway?
actually norway gave tough enemy to canada so I wouldnt say nice fuckup..
nash is n1.
i want play hockey =( but here not exist ice skating =(((
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