pstarz @ lame

gave them their web design for 6 months of gameserver, they accepted this tender before i sent the design, then they cancelled the gameserver after 2 months and now refuse to take the site offline

Quote23:56… TLR|nAWAY: i specifically told you, and you accepted, that you were only to have the website if i receive my server for 6 months
23:56… xxxxxx: No money no server
23:56… xxxxxx: And I couldn't care less meight, since we aren't pstarZ anymoh
23:57… xxxxxx: I'm not sending u anything nor taking the site down, don't got permissions for that

children? i think so... not that i care about the site.. i can re-sell it on anyway.but its just the principle that certain players, no names mentioned, should not be trusted if he is not even part of the organisation and isnt even willing to help me fix something that he accepted, and i feel for any team or players that put faith into such individuals in the future. I guess it is a lesson learnt that i do not do favours for people on the internet just because they seem decent enough.
You should stop crying, and start reading more. I told u 4 times to talk to the management, not to pzyko nor me. I'm sorry for you, but I can't take the design down since I do not got any permission on it, and it will be down soon enough as pZyko isn't paying bills anymore.

by the way, why should the community care about those non-sens.

We were always loyal to our teams, when we had the money to pay the things we did, but now we don't got any money left to go on as MGC, so thats why only tactical ops is there and also the reason why I left, after a time pZyko didn't had any motivation anymore and he left also.
Rick rolled!

No its "RcK Rolled" ©
you accepted, not pzyko, i didn't know he was paying until i read "daniel" on the server control panel, you are just as lame as he is, enough said.
haha, I'm not going to do this discussion again, u did saw what I said don't you. If not try to read it one more time. U will see soon enough that its offline because pZyko isn't paying anymore.
yes its just the fact you were a dick about it that makes you a lame 12yr old, and the fact you promised 6 months and i got 2, that is also annoying, again, i hope everyone reads this so they do not put faith into you, gl if you ever want to manage a team again, but dont ask me for favours.
I won't manage anything again, since I'm only going to play. And u can flame me and stuff, but you wont get money with that. If you would have some patient I could contact pZyko if I ever see him again to get the site down, otherwise it will be offline end of the month because the bilt isn't payed then!
xxxxx = twinzy, 100% sure :XD
Offcourse I am :D So hows you ag0ner, still bashing cyber :D
nah :D had too much work yesterday... i was wasted :<
serious business
its not, but at the end of the day it is a design could have sold for £100+ if i continued to work on it.. now.. cola bottles at 1p = 100 in £1 = 1000 cola bottle sweets is what i could have had... but no, some child decides that after a nice favour i have done for him that he will just leave the team, cancel the servers and be an idiot about it, would you not be slightly annoyed?! i have no quake 3 gameserver now so what am i supposed to do? buy one? ha!
"ptardz people" - Indeed me and pZyko did quit because of some people who were in the tactical ops team, otherwise we even wouldn't quit it. ANd then we could have found a solution for this
Indeed, only our cod4 and tactical ops team were stable. Allthougt me and pZyko were running it smooth we didn't mentioned to get motivated because of some troubles with the tactical op team, Thats why I left in first place.

After that pZyko did quit also
How you mean, I thougt u ment that when I took pstarZ it did become shit or...
I would take them to court if I was in your position.
or maybe my sarcasm-o-meter is failing (c) vessar !
oh , you know who I am , but I don't remember flaming you :(
actually, proof is by email with the terms of them putting up the website, not that i care enough, but thats valid evidence none the less, since theres zero chance of me getting anything for my work for pstarz, i might aswell reveal them for the people they are.
I do not have it that long, not even 1 year, before that pstarZ was jus Tactical Ops only, then I did meet pZyko and he managed to get some sponsors and stuff and he also did payed himself to get pstarZ back on track, but the tactical ops teams was doing really weird to us. So I decided to leave the management also because I'm playing for eC4. After quite a time pZyko said he left also, and thats 1½ week ago now, since then I didn't spoke to him anymore
twinzzy das niet liev! :o)
Sorry hou je nog van me :D
altijd!!!!!!! <3
Ik kan niet slapen het is te warm :<<
Same hier, het is niet chill op de dekens maar ook niet eronder, ik heb al op de grond geprobeerd maar lukt ook niet
mja is zo kut, en ik ben verkouden :'( ik ga maar ff tv kijken dan miss val ik dan inslaap :o) daaaaaaaaaaaag!
Noujah ik ga wat drinken enzo, spreek je !
:> - Hoe gaat het met Loekino?!
( Het is te warm )!
learn you lesson.

never trust people you dont know well. In the end they just fuck you over.

Nice flag change!!!!!!!!!!!!
dunz told me to.
Oh man, wanneer word het nog warmer het is al 27 hier!
Site offline and now bibuy nVc.
Thanks for your attention.
thanks, i am not so much angry at you, i would have liked you to have spoken to me and told me the situation though and maybe i would be forgiving


i am just angry at twinzzy since he wasn't so nice with his words :)


use the logs luke !
Useless, RcK is a minor. Oral contracts are not binding for a minor.
so long u dont use xxxx i dont care
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