kicker league!

...2 matches left... standings:

2 RedBulls
3 Bavarian Style frk187
4 TuS Traunreut
5 bolzplatz ost dinev
6 Plüschsegelgang
7 MS-Team M. Streil
8 Team-cdap RazZaH<3Kebab
9 Schwarze Bande
10 Team BETA pumu
11 High FiDelity fattoNy
13 shmoe sein team shmoe
14 I like turtles!
15 TV-Stars.INC
16 ASI Records
17 saftlade juice

only 8 spots for next season avi...we (the active palyers) r bored of those who build a team before season and dont care the whole season (greez2juice xD). So this time again everyone will get the players he rly prefers.
Had some bad beats this year like Borowski or Sagnol...Yeah, i sucked, have to pay a couple of beers @enlarged, cu there!

pic of whats goin on in front of my house (livin next to a park):
not bad juice
go razzah! :D
nice pic
photo of the year 2008 imo! already offered it to newspapers xD
loool =)

i wanna have that in front of my flat too ffs!
If ya dont care throw ya hands up in da air!

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
I think i would like to join up with ur Kicker-League, but i have no clue about "pro"-league, only played "interactive" so far...

just contact me Tony, u know how to find me :D
just be more active than juice then! ;)

The difference between interactive and pro is:
transfer market while season, lil bit different scores-system, able to build leagues like "crossfire league" to compete with ur friends, players can increase/decrease their worth

thats it
me wantz tow
If it was in english I might compete, but my German skills aren't that good :<
im a bit inactive aswell ^^
comunio > kicker league
lol i fucked up at the beginning ..then i forgot my password :/ and email stuff didnt work :X

i was 2n !!!! now im 8th oO

would like to join next saison again but this time ill write my password down :P

nice :
invites for saeson 08 / 09:
toNy, pumu, frk187, Michael L, Mario finke, Michael Streil, Harald Hanselmann, Wofgang Fink, Deniz Demirs
5 bolzplatz ost dinev plX
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