this is getting retarded

its geting more retarded from day to day. or u get a war vs polak/other unhit punks or u play vs hackers..

i just wanna have fucking fun with my m8 playing ..

i am a sad panda now :<<<<

image: normal_Internet-SeriousBusiness
try to be better then cheaters then they start whinin is fun
its funny when a cheater calls u a cheater!
cant there be more then 1 cheater?
Im wondering why I havent seen these unhittable punks or cheaters :>
gotta love these dutch kids who force everyone to play on dutch servers and whine when someone connecting from any other country lags a bit

i never noticed any difference between 'hittability' of dutch / polish players though
hmm i dont see even one word/flag/association to dutch in this journal? explain
he just gave an example, there is no diffrence between 98 ping and 48 ping, so unhitable is mostly because of you, if you cant hit them you just suck Oo
ping doesnt say anything about unhittability... its the routing of their isps and/or lagscripts...
well apparently 99% thinks is the lag and nationality, maxpackets and rate
i fucking hate how they whine, they just suck mostly
lol pls stfu befor ppl will laugh at you xD
dude.. for an israeli you donw know much about 100 ping...
its NOT better than 48... lol
ofc 100 isnt, but 98 is more preferd but you kinda dono shit as you dont have that
Quoteofc 100 isnt, but 98 is more preferd but you kinda dono shit as you dont have that

LoL, "k"
There is a difference between ping 48 and 98+. What most people don't seem to understand is that you also have to aim a lot better with ping 98+ and often get hit when you're already around a corner. You generally have to play with more foresight and retreat or selfkill earlier.
seems like you dont know how to play with 98 ping :P not true at all, there isnt diffrence between 98 and 48, and 98 ping is somewhat better than 48 from some reviews :P
Well, I can only speak from my experience. I switched between fastpath and no fastpath several times during the last months and for me it's easier to play with a lower ping. Why should a greater latency be better?
more stability, but i cant explain well, try googling or something :P
Ping doesn't say much indeed, bad connections and artificial lag, mostly caused by rate/packets, will make opponents unhittable.
why u say that itsa whine and suckage.. IT IS diference about hittability .. some pp are so unhit that u stand still he stand still and u got crosshair on him and shoot him and hit nothing..
recoil ftl
play the spawntimes and you'll win vs randomming cheaters
i am not saying its hard to win.. i am saying that it fucks ur fun when u wanna rape someone but u cant cuz he allways know where u are :< its not funny
i dont get ur point :<

edit: hi2u hacker/wnb al- :D:D:D:D:D:D
hello b1bu :D
or you get bubu bubububu.. brumu
your from slovenia yourself so dont call other unhits and your country is almost equal to poland with its connection etc
go to geography lesson k tnx bye
go buy a brain and try to understand what i mean retard
ilold pls open a map of world and see where is slovenia and where is poland, and than check ping of players from slovenia (48) and ping of poland (98) .

p.s u realy are retard like everyone said
HAHA ye but when i play vs ppl from slovenia they always have 80/98 ping because they are to poor to buy a normal connection 2bad4u low+ wannabe
thats not true most ppl in slo have ping 40-55
then i havent played against them
lold again pls ppl will laught at u .... my ping is 48 and i can download 3 movies or more if i want and still 48 ping ...
pls ppl will laugh @ your picture so dont talk bullshit
1. u think that cuz ur blind
2. atleast i am not hiding my face unlike some ugly ppl like you (u must be even uglier k tnx)
3. i dont have a record amount of ppl saying i am retarded unlike you do
haha like i care what these fucking retards like you think of me its very important for you cuz your 15 and cant get out of the house because you need to spam on crossfire and dont have any friends
i will repete u that again:

2. atleast i am not hiding my face unlike some ugly ppl like you (u must be even uglier k tnx)
learn english first then talk to me bb
says who xD pls look at ur last post ;)
its not my best english agree but i dont make mistakes like repete etc hahha
listent to ur self i never said my english is best eather... so just quit cf and yes i know its repeat
make normal sentences plz
lold what an retard .
congrats your first correct sentence
I've always been playing with 98 ping and whenever I play at one of my mates with 48 ping it fucking owns! The whole games seems to be more accurate, more "smooth", which appears logical since it does have to do with your bandwith/ISP/fastpath (why would people get a good inet then otherwise?)
So I don't get why some ppl in this thread are acting so retarded :S
ScaTmaN_ was killed by w0nd3r's Thompson
ScaTmaN_: gtfo, fuckin unhit jew
w0nd3r: I'm not a jew, I come from Brandenburg!
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