FPS tweaking & problem

Okay after some searchin on this site and the sadly failed tutorial on crossfire, I need your help. If you could post me all the comments to improve my fps since I can't even get 100 fps stable on all maps ~~. Also another problem is that I have fps drops from 100 to 3 once on a map ( time is totally random -> it stays for 5 secs then ET freezes -> it goes back to normal and won't happen again til there's a mapchange )
Just wanted to ask if there are more commands than in hype's tutorial :F

random pic:

sadly none coz I'm too emo atm :<
2nd prob is easy , you need to check your temps

Could you give some specs ?
but why it only happens once till mapchange? hm?

@topic: look after loekinos cfg (i think it was it) there are many commands with explanations
No he says 'once a map'
1. no difference if it only happens once till mapchange or once a map
2. no he doesnt (read)
3. still cant be temp cuz its a temporal prob
QuoteAlso another problem is that I have fps drops from 100 to 3 once on a map ( time is totally random -> it stays for 5 secs then ET freezes -> it goes back to normal and won't happen again til there's a mapchange )

Please , read it ...

He says that it happens once a map and that its over then until another map gets loaded ...

And it can be temp since I had it myself in the past aswell smartypants
blabla, gtfo retard
So you got outsmarted by a retard

How does that make you feel ?
blabla, gtfo retard
never said ur right just to lazy to go on discussing with a retard/15 year old
Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.40GHz
1,00 GB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200
Realtek RTL8139-Familie-PCI-Fast Ethernet-NIC

if you need more infos just reply. By the way I never had this problem before and the thing that confuses me is, I have this lag in like something around the first 15 minutes. Once I had this "lag" I can idle on a server for like 2 hours without having it again =(
Well the graphic card is probably causing the low fps issue

You might want to scan for virusses , update drivers , clean up PC , check temps , defrag hard disk
I know that this card isn't super high but I just want 100 fps stable :P Nothing more not even 125 =(
Be glad , I cant even get 90 FPS

Try updating drivers

E: Or use older drivers
Na you understood me wrong mate =) I WANT to have 100 fps stable while I only reach 60-70 stable. 100 stable inside but radar is like WTF more outdoor and like 40-50 fps
Again , be glad , I get a lot less and not even stable
poor you then =(
No , 10 FPS on linux and 15 FPS on XP
You could try experimenting with random drivers, because not always, the newest one is the best.
Otherwise, why dont you tweak your cpu and gpu a bit ? Or slightly reduce the detaility of your config.
If you need some cmds, feel free to reply here or pmme.
ET is more processor related and i could get 125 with 1.9ghz amd random thingy
No you cant :)

Proof : I got 1.87Ghz processor and I got a random thingy

Result max = 90 FPS when looking at a wall on B4 (unstable)
Try it with an Intel Integrated GMA 950

Report me the results , you will be surprised , believe me ;)
amd 2900 dunno exactly but it was @ 1.9
with my rly old geforce ti 4200 i always had 100fps :(((

good old times :')
FU need them too =(
first thing you got to do, is very basic, and will give you a huge FPS boost, every ET player who has problems with FPS should do this:

buy new pc
na I'm not a jew therefore I don't have a sac full of gold around my neck :<
bah with those retarded cb configs you cant even put com_maxfps 333 :x
Is there any need to play with 333 fps ? Dont take it wrong, Im just curious, I cant see any big difference.
no but it looks cooler
best answer award goes to pala
madscientist config is one of the lowest ive ever seen, maybe you should try it
with that pc, u should be able to get stable 100fps easily-.
I SHOULD but I do NOT get them so help :<
na there must be another way !
the program called xfire
makes some peeps get fpsdrops
i had the same problem
just delete it
I don't have shit like that :P
pressing enter
like this
is really
annoying :::::::::<
massive fps drops are sometimes caused by vsync make sure its turned off!

also what may help if you havent alredy got, get nvidia control pannel to tweak some settings that helped me out alot
get my cfg or loekinos, prolly the most low cfgs on cf
seta cg_selectedPlayerName "KIVENKANTAJAA"

was some finnish song ive been listening to when i was creating profile =)
No random picture = no halp!
install agp drivers if u have a agp card
1.) Defrag your volume
2.) Reinstall ET by using Ultimate Installer -Simply to make sure unnecessary files are not used
3.) Get a low detail config madscientist's or urtiers i'd sugest
4.) install the latest drivers and manage to set them on "performance"
5.) If your using progs like xfire, disable it ingame
6.) make sure you have set the priority for "ET.exe" to high
I already used ultimate installer since it is written in some tutorial here ;>. New thing to me is setting priority for et to high oo thanks will test it
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