mousepad for lowsenser.

looking for a large (40x35 orso).
no motivation to use google..
ultimat breathe x4 or x3
Everglide Titan MonsterMat
take ur table...
Razer Mantis Speed.. i have it.. alot have it.. its nice and big..! You can use it as a placemet for ur dinner.
razer mantis speed (44.4 x 35.5 x 4.3)
Razer Mantis Speed
•HUGE very durable, flexible and smooth cloth mouse pad
•Great for low sensitivity mouse settings
•Compatible with all mice
•Specially designed non-slip rubber backing
•Washable with regular dish soap and a damp sponge
•455 mm wide, 405 mm deep and only 1.6 mm thin

image: corepad-eyepad-large
My mousepad is 4x smaller and still costs the same :<!
Ultimat Breathe x4
Razer Mantix Control

Razer Mantis Speed is for highsens. isn´t it ?
ur mom is for highsens

mantis speed ftw
no :) if it was for highsens the size wouldnt be that
QcK Heavy/+: Best cloth surface the first few weeks, then it becomes a good, not outstanding mousepad.
Titan: Pretty slow, smooth, durable. Won't notice a difference in surface even after 1 year.
Aqua3, Eyepad, Breathe: Standard cloth, nothing special, smooth, not too fast. Way too thin, if you ask me.
Never tested the Mantis pads.
how about the QPad boss ?

i had all pads apart from the one i mentioned....
Good surface the first 3 weeks. After that it becomes rough and I didn't like it after that.

I'm pretty fastidious about mousepads though. A lot of ppl (actually all that are using it for longer than this time :p) obviously aren't.
I would like to know your opinion on Razer Destructor, is it really that good as they say?
It's hard to describe. The surface is about the same as the Steelpad S&S, the func pads or the Qpad EC-R. It's rough plastic. It feels pretty soft though, so you don't get the impression of your mouse actually "scratching" over it. It's smooth and quite fast (not as fast as the Icemat or the SX, but still great)
I'm using it for about 3 weeks now I think and the surface is still like brand new. The mousefeet (hyperglides) are getting really polished, not scratching yet as well. So far I'm pretty satisfied with it. Way better than I expected it to be. If it's still the same in about 2 months, it might be a contender for my beloved Icemat.

Maybe I should actually write some sort of reviews about the pads, hmm.
From your experience, what's the best tracking and high-precision gameplay mousepad?
I really liked the Steelpad SX, unfortunately it was just the silicon (or something similar) layer that made it that fast. After that was washed off it began to scratch.
So far the Icemat was always the best choice in terms of smoothness, glide and durability. For the best results you should use SlickSurf skates if you don't want to change your teflonfeet every 2 weeks. If you're using lowsens it's nothing for you though as it's pretty small. (You could still grab a selfmade icemat in that case though ;-))
Thanks buddy, and gn8
I want to give a shot to a QPAD as it isn't expensive,but I will keep my titan just in case.There is actually nothing wrong with it,best pad
ive ever had.Consistent ,made me forget about thinking of switching to another pad but these journals are keep reminding me :D
i myself have a Steelpad QCK Heavy, very happy with it.

May change late this year though, just to try another.
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