config help needed

oke look i got a few config probs again
1: whit my new config when i kill some1 the frags are left under but i want them left up help me whit that plz

2:i can see the face off my self i want that away and when you got like light weapons up i can see that to like thi
here the face [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]

3:xD how can i change my timers of spawm times you know
quit ET.

Recent Journals:

config help needed
config helpadsfjadsf
music toxic
fps dropsaaa
help me (config)))

4 out of 5 cool why dont u just get a config that works
:DDD made my day!
btw i think i fixed my et D:
Didn't you quit?
lol i never said i quited et i said i was on a break :p i cant play that actively now but i can still play
yeah i meant for a week or more :P

- Rule:

For the most part, English is the only language allowed on Crossfire. However, other languages are permitted in the journals section, provided that the title of the journal contains the language intended to be used in the journal content.

For example:

"Journal title: Bratwurst (GER)
Journal content: Ich liebe bratwurst."

This is the only situation where you are permitted to use a language other than English. You may not put a language in the title of your journal if you are not going to use it in your journal. Also, you may not put (All languages) or other such things in your journal title.
1: go to menue, etpro, search for move popups
2: use alternative hud
3: bind x opentimerinput ?
engrish spokerna skillzorna me think iz haigh+
/start crying
oon mä jo melkee aloottanu :D
säpäs oot ahkeralla päällä
Ei jaksa pukea päälle :o
Tuo on se mitä minä kutsun ahkeruuden multihuipennukseksi
b_althud "2"

b_althudflags "4"

opentimerinput and enter 20/25/30.. or bind it to a key by entering "bind p timerset 25" (without the ") and use another key to reset your timer: "bind o resettimer"

and btw, learn some freeking english since most people really can't figure out what this means:

Quoteand when you got like light weapons up i can see that to like thi
here the face
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