My fps

I used to have stable 125 fps all the time but that has changed for a while. Last week I had 125 fps stable. Now I have my fps going from 1 to 50 to 100 and back again. That changes every week. How can I always get stable fos cuz this is pissing me off.
cg_fpsFix 1
gfx card / cpu ?
/cg_stablefpssecret "1098371297838917238971983791287389712837918237893712893718927389172389731893728917389127893179837218937891273897138971328977381927398173891273897138973891273891723987213897319827389217389123789371289371289739812786772896473627898734290748923748902748";quit;9732489723897498274892847203489702489023840982309482093480924380374893472892437942789423798427489327498723489742897498472398
hoi xeoxis, why do they keep banning you? :o/
for what reason?
I posted a pic of sol's face on Borats body. Now I'm banned for a month I think.
Still a few days left though.

btw, how do you know it was me? xD
omg, by Real Name! 8D
Kanker sukkel jij moet niet zo stoer doen tegen over anderen, ik hoop dat ze jou nooit unbannen
had the same problem:

I installed new virus scan what was running while I shut it down, ctrl + alt + del =>processen=> end the stuff that takes to much memmory (make sure u dont end stuff your pc needs xD)
Summer is coming and computars overheating.
i had to format today and lost my porn. i was so sad :'(
same problem :x
Dat is zeker ROFL :D
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