The Lives of Others [DVD]

I've been meaning to watch this one for ages and I'm glad I finally did. What a great film. Set in the early 1980's before the fall of the Berlin wall, the film explores the GDR regime and the whole cultural impact the Stasi had upon East-Germany.

Don't let the fact the film is in German put you off, as you will be missing a great insight into a somewhat vague and unexplored subject matter. Vague for me at least, considering it's a rarely discussed subject here in Scotland. It may be a different case in the rest of Europe, I don't know. Anyway, the film perfectly portrays how creative minds had to struggle at the time in East-Germany with so much censorship and communism present.

The film won the award for the Best Foreign language film this year at the Baftas, beating La Vie En Rose to the prize. It also won an Oscar for the same category as well!

Anyone with half a brain needs to see this, honestly.

image: DVKhrMMMeF8WOP_l

It's been out for ages, I know. I'm just really slow to watch good films sometimes. :(
QuoteDon't let the fact the film is in German put you off

Acutally it does, oh and i've seen that film, I couldn't sleep well for 1 month after i saw that scene with the fat slut :X

She's hot, quit yo jibba-jabba!
jibba jabbin' *
Erm, thanks?
Every1 saying that movie is so nice but I can't understand why.. =(
a rare good german movie :>
Hai-Alarm auf Mallorca ftfw.
cant beat Ballerman 6.................öÖ
yes great movie, but watch it in German!!!
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