Hes Dead Motherfucker :D


Just watch the 1st 20 seconds.. he got so fucking own3d :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Btw...What do u present your mother today?
suicide attempt? mwahaha
cleaned the apartment
his trousers is even more uglier than the women who come from this area
gave her some flowers
i posted it some weeks ago and it was deleted >:<
old, but I still love it :DDD
Do you need translation? :) He's romanian.
faky told me something like
"nothing happened ... im ok" xDD
UNBAN Faky! x(
huh? did i miss anything? FaKy is banned? on crossfire? or for cheatin (lol if that is true...)
Banned on xfire for "playing with cheaters". He isn't posting much anyway so why did they bother to ban him?
oh god... xfire can be such gays...
really? cause for months i beleived they were canadians Lol cause of theyre funny accent
they are romanians 100% :/
What's so nice about those cars (Dacia 1310)? They always get stuck on the road and are pretty polluting and slow.
:)) I can't say it isn't funny, but living here for about 20 years got me tired of this and of so many more social problems. I don't laugh anymore :).
It won't. The problem here is about education and civic attitude. I won't go any in further details :). Let's just say that a big percent of population listens to "manele" which is the worst kind of sounds ever created.
rofl what an idiot :_DDDDD
nice pants
rofl! I never thought a foreign would like listening to that crap :). Do you understand the lyrics?
If you understand: "money", "women", "enemies", "die", "cool", "happy" and some others that i forgot then you got it all. Manele is about primary human needs. No evolution involved :P.
Omg i got eye cancer -_-. Those songs suck. If you something nice look for:
Vama Veche, Pasarea Colibiri, Phoenix, OCS (Omul cu sobolani) and some others. Vama Veche has brilliant lyrics.
the admins never sleep!
xD great
haha omfg :=D
fuck this i cant even watch video is blocking all the fucking time
omg not this music :( ... pls ... :D.+ it's so wierd that u liked "manele"
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