I got my hands on a ticket to the CL FINAL, everythin is booked, cant wait :DDDDDD
flight is on tuesday at 14cet, i finish my exam in the morning at noon, 2 hours! cant fucking believe it, over the moon :DDDDDDDDDDD

ill be a nerd and say cY@Moscow

lucky bastard
gl hf @ wodka land :D
lol i got a tshirt just like that
How much did you pay for the ticket?
ok,thx for the info.
Have fun!
Have phun
have fun :D
have fun
Omg man :< I'm jaelous.

Cant you buy another ticket then we can go together :D
fuck you terrorist ;[ ..i tried to book 3 tickets.. but failed :|

make some nice photos .. hf ! : )
u go to watch a game for the atmosphere and shear passion for the game, obviously i hope and think chelsea are gna win but even so.... what a fucking experience CL FINAL, if i dont come back hoarse ill be dissappointed
:) nice :DD
in soviet russia football watches you
Why'd you go to Russia to see your favourite team losing?
sounds pretty awsome COME ON MAN U TBH xD
have fun :D
8-0 minimum to man u
hf steve!
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