any tricks to clean a G5?

somehow, my mousewheel always does 2 jumps instead of 1 when i roll it down... i guess there got some dirt into it... how can i fix ths? :o
get a new one
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
take it apart and clean it?
Make a point of washing yer hands before you play :P
youve ever taken apart one? i ruined one mouse once like that, cause the stupid spring that was under mousewheel got lost! :<
Did it with my mx518, dont lose parts then!
does it only do it in et?
since thats the only game i play, yes, cant really reproduce it in windows really...
seta cg_weaponcycledelay "100"

that may fix it

prevents accidental weapon switching,client side command.

If you rotate your mouse button for 2 "steps", you will change one weaponbank if the interval betwen that steps is less than 150 miliseconds,or 2 weaponbanks if its more than 150 miliseconds.
nah i dont use the mousewheel for weaponcycle.... so it prolly wont fix it
First you boil about 4L of water, then you pour it over your face and your mouse, and then it will be fixed.
Yep - tried it and it works.
the water has to be salted or not?
Salted? Wtf you want your eyes to itch & burn cause of all the salt?
lol salted water will ruin everything
my g5's mousewheel jumped also a few steps too much so I dont think it's about dirtyness..
Use the Vacuum cleaner!
oh yeah, could try that, good point
do a barrel roll
threaten it
"go fix yourself mouse or walk plank!"
Compressed air.
My g5 is still working fine after 5 years of using it.
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