Congratz on winning

I feel so lucky, my bet was the closest so i won zeh What time will i be up till? 'competition', now i have to make a choice between Demonoid Account/Guild Wars Nightfall Account/IRC Bouncer but since i'm not in need in any of the prize possibilities i thought why not to give it to anyone of the lovely crossfire members who in need, post here a comment with what would you like to have if you really need it and a reason why should i choose you. after the journal will drop down i will decide the winner and send him a pm.
demonoid account
cause im ajew :D
guild wars acc because i'm bored and lost my love yesterday and so i need sth to get in other mood :(
dont take guildwars account, you need all the campaigens to feel how good the game is, so unless u wont be bothering buying other campaigens, dont buy it
blind :'( tought u wanted one of em
What are you talking about?
i tought u need to pick one of the prizes 4 urself
I am, i just don't need an guild wars account since i dislike and never played mmorpg games, don't care much about demonoid since they open the site for sign-ups kinda often, and i think bnc is useless.
extarnal crosshair=ban !
cg_drawcrosshair 15
seta xhairsmall "echo small; r_texturemode gl_nearest; cg_drawCrosshair 9; cg_crosshairSize 60; cg_crosshairAlpha 0; cg_crosshairAlphaAlt 1; bind x vstr xhairBIG"
seta xhairbig "echo big; r_texturemode gl_nearest; cg_drawCrosshair 3; cg_crosshairSize 60; cg_crosshairAlpha 0; cg_crosshairAlphaAlt 1; bind x vstr xhairSMALL"
bind x "vstr xhairbig"?
yo,dont give it to nobody
keep it for yourself
and btw,take the bouncer@see u on irc :D

image: 45
If you could lend me the GW account ... You'd be sweet :P
nightfall account :)
I personally would like to apply for getting the bnc.

Why me?: Okay first of all I don't have any clue why you should pick me except I'm super sexy ( sadly not ;_; ), totally intelligent ( not again :< ) and extremly skilled ( you may guess what will come again? NOT? K then I tell ya: NOT :<)

What do I use it for?: 1. For idling the channels you make me to
2. For idling my channels
3. For having a cool and imaginative nick like laska'oFF or laskOFF
4. For beating mens0 in a quiz 1on1 !111

So this should be it. If you don't choose me I will be disappointed and will never ever be able to pwn mens0 and will never have such a great nick like laskaOFF while actually being off and not just faking it.
heh funny to see you trying :P not that its fail and stuff, just funny :P
well im just too poor to get one by myself since paintball is just so fucking expensive :< and i guess it will be an epic fail : P
na ull get it ithink, you wrote alot of crap there xD
sure did xD well i just need one since i want to be cool and stuff =( having an off nick is extremly important nowadays -> no off nick no fame no skill =(
sooo u got the bnc? ^^
nope =( dunno who won

Because I always need to be in touch with my e-friends!
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