amerika trip

hey m8s,

i migh do a trip from United States of America east to United States of America west coast (new york - las vegas) and my question is if there is somebody who has a clue about the things in United States of America usa.

things like how to buy a car (can i buy a car or just rent (as european)?

do i need an extra driver's license (got the normal german driver's license - 2 1/2 years old...)?

any things i have to visit ;D?

other ideas/proposals?
try to contact Poland noone
he told me few weeks ago on xfire that hes in the states now
any things i have to visit ;D? mcdonald i think :P
ameeerica , fuck yeah
Take some time to just wonder out there, don´t go to the normal tourist attractions, everyone has seen those and there is nothing special about them.

I had great time in New York few years ago, 9 days just flew by :)
talk to american embassy, dont know where u live m8 but they have all the infos on that stuff.
Went there myself few years back with the air force, so we were kinda already sorted but we hiredcars etc np.

But yea the embassy will have details, tips and all that stuff.
you can rent a car at the eastcoast and see where there is a station from the same company at the westcoast. Then say how long you will be on the way and you pay. They give 200hp rentcars with automatic gear to 20 year olds, so you can cruise nice ^^
Quotethings like how to buy a car (can i buy a car or just rent (as european)?

Yes. Buy or rent. You can do whatever you like. You can rent at the airport.

Quotedo i need an extra driver's license (got the normal german driver's license - 2 1/2 years old...)?

No but they drive in a bit different cars then they do in europe. It might take a few hrs to get used to it but it's not a big prob

Quoteany things i have to visit ;D?

New york
Los Angeles
San Fransisco
Las vegas

Those are just the main city's. You can also go to things like the grand canyon and stuff
buy or rent...

some people said i need a fixed abode (fixed address) where i have to register the car and assurance...

Well im not sure about the buy thing.
I quess I would buy a car if I would be going from east coast to the west
i wanna do that..if it is possible without a fixed address and stuff
Go on irc, and I'll answer any questions you like

/q shawn{
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