A trip to Paris

For those who have ever visited our be(hated)loved city Paris, i would like to know what impression you got from it.

What struck you the most?
What did you expect and what did you actually saw/met/experienced?
What advice(s) would you give to someone going there soon?

Share your souvenirs, be they funny, sarcastic, unpleasant, good or critical.

random Paris picture[/b]]image: houseofwaxint02
as long as you stay underground, it will be fine

my advice to you is the metro
i guess my humor just sucks :)
Paris Hilton?
I thought it would be shit, it was shit and it's still going to be shit

What stroke you the most? Stroke D: What stuck me most was how shit it was
What did you expect and what did you actually saw/met/experienced? I expected it to be shit, I saw shit, met shit and I experienced a shit time
What advice(s) would you give to someone going there soon? DONT GO TO FRANCE
I know.. Tell me why?
I just dislike France in general. I did try liking the place, I went to Paris once, just didn't like anything there :>
I wanted some specifics : <
you went to the wrong places
I went to France, indeed I did go to the wrong place @:>
they you are stupid, France is a beautiful country, just full of shitpeople
Not stupid, just got taste D:
That's what happens when the two most ignorant but yet multicultural nations meet :)
What stroke you the most? --- Prepubescent girls stroked me the most.
What did you expect and what did you actually saw/met/experienced? --- Expected 18+, got 12.
What advice(s) would you give to someone going there soon? --- Fake ID.
saturday night - Palais de tokyo
Lmao @ the illegal immigrants running away from the cops. (selling souvenirs at the eiffel tower)
decent city. the best part was chilling with a guitar in front of the eifel tower with some random hippies.

barcelona is better imo

oeh and i bought one of those ugly french hats (had to be done in paris...)
Fantastic city, basically the most beautiful one I've ever been to. I recommend you doing and seeing as much as you can and afterwards relax in garden in front of the Louvre. Have been there a year ago with my class and it's been the best class trip I ever had.
went twice

shitty open space areas that smell like cat piss
not enough parks with actual green grass (just cat piss & dog shit & gravel)
arrogant ppl behave v rude
hot women
short ppl
ugly areas outside of center (concrete, construction, run-down etc)
stinky subway with stinkly ppl
worst drivers i have ever seen

but if i go again i think the experience would be much better, still definately not a city i will love thou

i much prefer Nice
What struck you the most? Eiffel tower, the traffic madness at the arc de triomphe, and as julianK said: the gardens/park at the louvre museum, loved it. Best schooltrip ever <3

What did you expect and what did you actually
saw/met/experienced? Didn't expect much, but it was great.

What advice(s) would you give to someone going there soon?
Just don't go to far out of central Paris, cause the rest of the city is pretty ugly :p
Paris hilton? ^-^
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