PayPal & buying on eBay

So.. since i got and verified my credit card statment my for using my paypal account and registered on ebay, i have ~ €100 in my paypal account and i'm planning to buy an rapidshare premium account and some gaming stuff on ebay, but before i start give me some tips for buying on ebay/paying via paypal pl0x! ^-^

edit: give me some famous online stores with shipping and delivery, i prefer gaming stores ;d
never buy from jews
best advice in 2008
buy smth for me !
dont buy on ebay, but from shops @ overrated prices, its better for your country's economics.
paypal sucks :)
there is nothing to say imo, it's easy as 1 2 3

maybe don't buy at some suspicious shops...

dont buy rapidshare premium acc :D

image: icon98_4

u can get some so izi this days...just ask some friends...i mean real life inet tards
no one use it here :<
if he buy one then he will be my friend with rapidshare acc xD
buy some game stuff from netcoders, it will make you an better gamer!
OR one more ban on forum : /
no no no no , i <3 Wes&KB so no ban & no hax !?!!!?!?!?
kb - killerboy ?: /

well im not very into this cheaters affairs .... if I play on pub
it's only 4-5 fav servers.Cheaters get kicked there pretty quick,admins have filter on mirc connected to a server,so throw a
name and they come l :D you know what im saying ? fuck'em
Imo you don't need to put money in your paypal account. If you use a creditcard you can pay directly, also with paypal.
Ye i use and actually this is exactly how i planned to pay for things over the internet.
ebay sux hard
use famous online shops
buy it+delivery=cheaper then buying it in here =d

you know the tax on cars is 100%?
when you buy a car its like you buying 2 =(
Give me an examples of famous online stores with shipping and delivery, i prefer gaming stores
pfft like i know any xD
don tuse paypal its fucking nazishit
why do u upload money on your paypal acc?
they charge your credit card every month for it!
Paintrain on 12/05/08, 18:39:46 PM | Reply

Imo you don't need to put money in your paypal account. If you use a creditcard you can pay directly, also with paypal.
Bl1nD on 12/05/08, 19:05:22 Del | Edit | Reply

Ye i use and actually this is exactly how i planned to pay for things over the internet.

Thanks for the tip anyway
if you have a giro account added to your paypal they charge it monthly aswell or what are you talking about... just registered at paypal and planned to add my giro account to it^^
visa card
dunno about booking from normal bank account :o
k...what do u want to buy? ill send it to u
Don't do it omg! :|
OMG! but why and what exactly not to do?
dno I just wanted to say something :<
I'm waiting for a phone call and then I'm going to buy the SteelSeries IME 3.0 SS Intellimouse Explorer. and later me and my friends will make BBQ. sup with you?
I see you're online, so what are you doing atm? already back from BBQ, if yes how it was?
Reply when ya come back
I'm back now. ye, I was a short time @ home to get mayonnaise&ketchup
Did you buy the mouse? and tell me how the BBQ was
BBQ was fine but after a while it bagan to rain. then we played poker, h3h3. what have you done today? and yes i bought the mouse.
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