China earthquake

The most powerful earthquake to hit China in 30 years has killed at least 10,000 people in south-western Sichuan province, with thousands more trapped.

im sorry for them,it could happen anyware
Except in Western-Europe.
you're so fat you wouldn't even feel it D8
awww that hurts
less chinese people is good.
they have billions more
its sad for the parents cuz they only allowed 1 kid in the family, so now if one of the kids is dead they are all alone
I guess most victims live in rather rural areas. There you can have more than one child.
Sichuan is not a rural area i think
I've been there and as soon as you leave the big cities Chongqing and Chengdu, you are on open fields with small villages.
Shame on me, but I thought the same at first.
adacore survived
The building was all shakey for 5 minutes though, we had to evacuate.
yesterday I asked my girlfriend, who works in Hong Kong, whether she felt the earthquake. her response "earthquake? wtf are you talking about". She never reads the news :P

I've been to Sichuan in 2002 and know some people there. Hope they are all right.
I think we only felt it in Shanghai (about the same distance away as HK) because we're on the 38th floor - the people on ground level (or even the lower floors) didn't really notice it.
I read that the buildings in Shanghai were evacuated, but apparently not in HK, so I guess there simply was more boom to it in your direction.
aftershock today..
impossible for australia.

we are in the middle of a plate.
'If everyone in China jumped at the same time it would knock the Earth out of orbit"

Well it didn't, but I bet they won't be fucking trying that again in a hurry!
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