Hoi again!

As I promised, there will be some news before our project will release finally.
At the moment we're in a final stage, so stay stuned.


Final release date: Thursday, 15.05.2008
Demo upload active: Thursday, 15.05.2008

So since this day you've the possibility to send us your demos without any one click hoster, because we've got a intergrated upload script. More infos on our homepage.

We organised a top level domain:
Do not wonder about the password login, it's with good intent, because it will finally release in 2 days. Only 5 persons, a.k.a our team, actually have access to this website.

A once more democlip with real frags will be published as soon as possible. We've got some ideas and a strutured concept.

#frag-theatre for updates!

best regards,
your crew.
Good luck!
cheers mate !
why the fuck link the website if we can't access it?
It's a proof, Sir!
you don't proof anything if we can't access it :)
Dude, I do not ordner a domain without a reason.
i know, but still it doesn't proof you got a full working nice site :D
hope it wont be fail
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