Dresden 600.000 civilians slaughtered

image: Dresden-pile-of-bodies
image: Dresden-Altmarkt-1945

600.000 german CIVILIANS killed in a firebombing at Dresden

Eyewitness account here: http://www.erichufschmid.net/Kuklane_Dresden_eyewitness.pdf

not a single german soldier uniform was found, all innocent civilians.

bombed by zionist controlled british airplanes.
poor germans :(
What is your problem? It's history. Get over it.
older than hitler
CONGRATULATIONS, you just encountered the cruelty of WW2!

I think I'm speaking for everyone here if I say stop linking this fucking site and give reliable sources. For example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Dresden_in_World_War_II
Wikipedia isn't all that reliable. I don't think I have to explain why, either.
you MUST agree its MUCH more reliable than fucking random site that hates zionists and says we all killed the gers instead, right?
Yes. I think we need some overmoderation on this topic.
i like to see it tho :D once the journal is down ban him ^^
what pala said. It's MUCH more reliable than most of the information given in the internet.
A very careful estimate of East Europe's Jewish population ascertained that there were 2.6 million in Poland at the outbreak of the war - less than the total Polish 'deaths' given by Wikipedia. So fuckoff with your ziopedia bullshit.
QuoteA very careful estimate of East Europe's Jewish population ascertained that there were 2.6 million in Poland at the outbreak of the war - less than the total Polish 'deaths' given by Wikipedia

if you said more your sentence would make some sense, this way you've said absolutely nothing

so there were actually less deaths than the number of people? LIEK WTF HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE
That simply means the number of jewish deaths is far exagerated, they werent that many jews living in poland to have such a death toll. just big lies
yes, fucking assholes and their exaggeration!

you know what, I bet there was no world war 2 either, it was probably all zionistic propaganda just to get jews to the position where they can rule the world by writing fake information on wikipedia!
In the year 1939 there were 3.460.000 polish citiziens with jewish confession (german wiki)
can u give us other site where there are the informations you are bullshiting beside this fake site?
You mean, zionistpedia ? Asshole, link and trust mainstream stuff, sure you gonna find the truth there.
Quotebombing of Dresden by the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and United States Army Air Force (USAAF)
jews did not controll the airplanes, they just added it, get the point of the site allready

real info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Dresden_in_World_War_II
Killing innocent people only because of their religion was better?

image: 20060812034833!Bones_of_anti-Nazi_German_women_still_are_in_the_crematoriums_in_the_German_concentration_camp_at_Weimar,_Germany

image: auschwitz_I_gas-chamber_bw

image: grave

Germany's crimes were way worse and therefore i'm not feeling sorry for it.
So you think eye for an eye is the right way to handle things?
no, but his information (unki) is totaly wrong, jews didnt controll the airplanes
sure he is totally wrong, no doubt.
what an asshole, still believing zionist history...
Typical brain washed nazi comment, expected
prove we are wrong
you are hopelessly moronic

it was my initial idea tbh
but it got out of control some dozen years ago
nothing has changed tbh...they are still doing that ( dont mean germans)
no war always suxx
those who had died from natural causes, had to be cremated rather than buried because of the great typhoid epidemics. there were more than 100.000 prisoners there
there seemed to be a lot of deaths caused by natural causes
maybe because of a bad weather in Poland at that time
yea, the wind was too strong prolly
Wonder how many jews one of those ovens could take..
there's no better or worse, every war crime is bad.
i think the germans should be allowed to bomb london for one day
that would be fair imo
The Blitz, anyone?


Does the name V2 say anything to you?

And let's burn a couple milions of Germans, let's do some medical experiments on them.

Would be totally fair, I agree.
they have been bombing London for 5 months you know...

Cmon guys, some history books. Buy it and read.
It's wrong of course but nazis killed 5,000,000 jewish civilians.
between 5,29 and slightly over 6 millions according to newest studies =)
Jewish Holocaust, 6000000 Jewish deaths from Hitler's The "Final Solution to the Jewish Problem"
i belive the holocaust as we know it is jewish propaganda
no doubt jews were killed, but not 6m
ya 6m jews died, even more
QuoteThe Holocaust is the term generally used to describe the genocide of approximately six million European Jews

QuoteEarly calculations range from 5.1 million from Raul Hilberg, to 5.95 million from Jacob Leschinsky

QuoteA study led by Wolfgang Benz of the Technical University of Berlin suggests 5.29–6.2 million

sure thing, all were taken from wikipedia
and wikipedia is credible proof?
you have a lot to learn about the internets
yes it is definatly enough, i also have 2 encyclopedia which have similair informations
if you dont want to believe go back to your teacher...if you want to believe, good, you learned something new in history
it's propaganda so there's no wonder it's in wikipedia or where-ever else

please keep in mind im not on unki's side, he's a fucking retard.
true @ 2nd, and its written on loads of academics papers that around 5.5-6m jews died, but they are hebrew tought
you wont really find other place where it says lower than 5m beside that crap site lol
ofcourse it's not credible proof if it just stated numbers. however, it contains quotes from other researchers who give their estimation. it's the best you can get.
half of them were Polish citizens :)
The 'Final Solution' of Adolf Hitler retained a single meaning right through WW2, central to the program of 'National socialism,' and signified the deportation of Jews, generally eastwards to Poland and Russia. This program did not change at any point, e.g. the Wannsee conference of 1942 to signify deliberate extermination. If that practice ever happened, it was not a centrally-directed policy and did not involve gas chambers: many tons of documentation of 'third Reich' policies remains, and no-one has been able to find therein any hint of such a meaning ­ of intentional genocide. The historical record fails to show any central decision to exterminate Jews by Nazi Germany.
have you ever been in Auschwitz? :)
not only civilians.
Wow, you're fucking retarded...
WTF quit with the spam journals.

germans suck alright get over it. you are the reason why we can't call a jew a fucking jew because now they have a QQ and cry anti-semantic.

HAHAHAHAHA I like this journal :DDD
Not that much really. Still a lot.
Russians have a theory that bombing of Drezden was a british/american covered operation for destroying bridges over Elbe river, to secure them selfs from soviets if they decide to advance further to the west after taking Berlin. Also us/brits already had a one sided, secrete peace threaty with germans at that moment that allowed germans to throw all there main forces to the eastern front.
Ive seen it on a russian 1st channel, on 8th of may, in a documentary movie.
Well your country started the war, killed 7 million Jews and killed millions of Soldiers.
Wasnt that WW1?
splodge at confused mode :d
Yup, I was thinking of this from WW1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Hand

My bad.
You are still confused. He mentioned Marocco because this guy has Marocco as his country in his profile. Prolly not his real country but Germany isn't either.
ahh ok,

Confused mode has ended for now :>
he? oll edit: ah okidoki :d
Thanks for the compliment, but "only" 6mio jews were killed in WWII.
wtf is wrong with this sentence? was? were? ALL WRONG. FAIL ARRIVED!
Could be "it was" or "there were"

Either way, whether it be 6million or 7million, it is still a lot.
true, true

okay but in this sentence "there were" would imply that there existed only XX mio jews at that point of time, aight? So "it was" is correct :o
Well, "there were only 6 million jews killed in WW2" and "It was only 6 million jews that were killed in WW2" are both correct. But np, the grammar police are off duty today :)
Sure, if you change the structure of the sentence both make sense.
I changed it, too. Thanks for the grammar lesson ^^
i strongly doubt that this guy is german tbh.
I wonder why everybody counter-attacks with Jewish extermination ;-)

I mean, he said that allied bombs killed xxx tousands of people. The proper counter-argument would be (imo) that Germans bombed other cities as well, like Warsaw, French cities, London for 5 months, Balkans, Eastern front.
So thanks to that its 1:1 in confrontation "What have they done to us during the war", because you can always say that both sides did it and what more, its Germany who started the war.
And then, if you add the Jewish case its 2:1^^
" Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? - Jawoooooohl!! "

you get what you ask for.
<Sodaya> gib ma op im channel
<shin> nö
<Sodaya> why?
<shin> weil du oestereicher bist
<shin> den letzten oesterreicher den wir op gegeben haben hat uns in den totalen krieg gefuehrt
kinda true ^^
oh what's wrong ? are you ashamed of your history ?
you totally missed the point with saying "Poor Nazis" cuz this Topic is not about the Nazis. Its about the Civilians in Dresden. Maybe it dont fit with your little brain, but not all German's are Nazis...
it was a mental leap but how should you know, your brain is even smaller than mine

it was a mental leap from talking about civillians getting killed in WWII to all germans that died there being nazi's?

how can you be so fucking retarded and at the same time talk about brainsize. your brain might be larger but it's about as active as stephen hawking's lower body.
why all the germans become such a nervous when someone is mentioning about nazis/hitler/ww2 ? woo the taboo

1: looks like you are retarded and blind in same time because you didn't see that duKe_ was a person who started to talk about brain size
2: how could you call people live in Nazi Germany ? nazi germans ? thats what we call mental leap in pl
3: and you don't see anything wrong in this: bombed by zionist controlled british airplanes. ?

first you should get your facts straight. i'm dutch, not german. i don't feel any sympathy for the nazi's, but i do for innocent people.

1: whoever started the brainsize argument is irrelevant. it's about the fact you used it to fit your situation while trying to prove a retarded point, while he actually used it while making a more valid point.

2: i'd call them germans. just because there were nazi's in germany it doesn't mean that everyone in germany was a nazi. same applies for poland. there were jews in poland, but that doesn't mean everyone in poland was a jew and was about to be exterminated.

3: what i see wrong in the topic is that it's utterly retarded, based on someone's opinion and the fact he wishes the holocaust had never happened so he has an argument for blaming zionists for problems in the world.

hypocrite wouldn't be a good word for you, ignorant might work though
I've never heard about Jewish Poland so it looks like your whole argument has failed :) Eot.
that's the worst counterargument i've ever heard. it wasn't officially called Nazi Germany either now was it?
Why you all think he's from Germany? And the school system was established by Western Germany. The DDR had a quite good school system and the well-educated people by that government are working now in Western Germany.
lol, didn't even check his profil... he is ARAB ... ololol now i see :D

image: ugly
when we can't debate ideas, we attack the person holding them. You are a poor german citizen feeling guilt like all other citizens for something they did not commit. your children will feel the same guilt and you will continue to lick zionists balls for that. poor you
I just don't give a fuck what happend 70years ago nor do i give a fuck about any religion

Thinks happend, ppl die in wars... bad things happen in a war... innocent ppl die... this happend ages ago and does not effect anyone of us, especially not u as u are not german or jew...

And ppl that are still hating others because of their race, culture or religion are just some poor fags imo...
QuoteI just don't give a fuck what happend 70years ago

you learn more about life / mistakes for better future if you know the past
you should care
west germany = the bad side pre berlin wall?
Don't get your question somehow. :d
its good we have NATO and UN now to prevent any war from taking place today (^_^)...

the only thing that can stop all wars from happening is breeding tolerance to people from an early age, together with an acceptable global marxist state and unification of all countries. not doing that will defintely bring war (doesnt matter if its ethnical or for resources)
belive me the nato and un around here are bunch or cowerds

lots of incidents were they run away from hezballah attacks in lebanon...
notice the sarcasm in my post =)
sry i cannot find your sarcasam =(
Quoteits good we have NATO and UN now to prevent any war from taking place today (^_^)...

its not that hard imo =))
there was no sign to sarcasam there :<
....nato and un arent doing a good job....
actually its no NATO or UN but the WTO and free trade that maintains piece
how can you sleep with all that anger and fear inside?
vampires never sleep !
Maybe he doesn't sleep. Maybe that's his problem ;))
NEW ET-map plz!!!! sw_Dresden_b4
zionism ye right, you dumb fuck.

nice page you linked there. linking fritzl up with "Zionism" fantastic stuff, really! reported it.
nice boobies ;]
sehen fast aus wie deine !!!111
wenn ich so titten hätten würde ich den ganzen tag an mir selber rumspielen :P
deleted my comment btw cause i am bored of that whole WW2 conversations... it happend 70 years ago, come over it...

hateing ppl for their culture,religion,race or things that happend ages ago is just poor...
i live in dresden and i know that like 20 000 died there.
don't destroy arab propaganda !!!11

They got everything under control !
image: irak_minister_informatie
<<<<<<<<<FREE TRUTH HERE>>>>>>>>>>>>


welcome to internet, where retards gather!
Every country has done something unimaginably terrible in the past whether it be in WW2 or hundreds of years before. But frankly I take offence about your shit giving about the holocaust Unki and so sir you can lick my shitty asshole.
go move to iran already they will probably welcome you with open arms tho they might ban your acces to xfire:P
rofl rofl pls .................yor minister wrong informations or what you act like the warminister from irak

in the dresden bombingsnight died 25.000-40.000 peoles not 600.000......o god 700.000 peoples living in dresden 1943-1945 and not died>>> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luftangriffe_auf_Dresden

dont read nazisites with wrong informations
they were nazi's so who gives a shit
lol 600 000 xD fucking lies.

i live in Dresden and currently there live around 500 000 people in Dresden. i dont think that more people lived here back to ww2. today its 500 000 + the immigrants which werent here at the time of the 3rd reich, so your fact is just retarded.
in wwII 1 000 000+ were living there but still "only" 20 000 died
it doesnt cover up the killing of 6 000 000 000 yews imho
Winner's justice. It has, and always will be so. War, war never changes...

This discussion just shows how immature argumentation can be, when the facts are lacking on both sides.

a) This thread wasn't about holocaust
b) It was of alleged warcrime perpetraded by RAF and USAAF
c) The number depicted in first post is under debate, nothing else

Bringing this all other crap just proves the immaturity of discussion. Due that, it would be better to delete this journal.
600 000 ? We never had more than 500 000 inhabitans ...
oh, so you dont remember about German bombarding of Warsaw, London and multiple other cities? :-)
War is war, Germans should reconsider it twice before voting on NSDAP in 1933 :-)
Adolf Hitler Juden raus - this is not racist comment, Im not nazi, but that was Hitler's order :<
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