Tonsillitis =(

just got dianosed that i have this horrible infection =(

i sleep for hours non stop lol and i have this infection on my lip.. its all yellow and pussy. and i got lots of ulcers in my mouth.

also the doctor said if i have it for 2 weeks or more i might have glandular fever =(


i got my GCSE in about a week how fucking unlucky is that =(
get better i guess
Get well?
I had the same shit, hf :\
you feel so shit. i sleep for ever =X
I know the feeling, it's very irritating I even couldn't eat :|
ye i havent ate in like 2-3 days. i dont want to eat and i dont feel hungry at all. Also my troat herts when i drink or swallow =(
Yep, same thing :| I couldn't swallow, drink NOTHING. In a week it was better ;p
I had tonsillitis for 2 years, but it was diagnosed very late (January 2008). Imagine the trouble. It was the doctor's fault. Eating was hard.

Then they got infected. (Little advise; safe sex)
Had to walk with this infection for 3 months. Could not eat properly if I even could, or drink, even breathe.

I still have major sleeping problems now. Just hope you won't have to get them removed. I had them removed the 20th of march this year and recovering is a bitch, but you'll get over it and will be happy they're gone.
=*( to bad for you the fucking stupid doctor =(. I had to wait in the doctors office for like 1 hours 40 mins and i got so aggitated i was nearly sick 2 times. :(

Also since im illergic too 2 main ingrediants : penicillin and another antibiotic its very hard for them to find me and medicin so this antibiotic im taking i have a 1/10 chance of been illergic to it :(

Any advice of how to get over it?

cos my GCSE is in 1 week :(
I was going to say antibiotics but that is a tough one for you I guess. I had penicillin and it didn't work, but Avelox did the job with the infection quite well.
Also, holding ice against the throat make it easier to swallow.

EDIT: Avelox is really aggressive and can be deadly and should only be used when it is -very- necessary.

Powder Ibuprofen might work.
ok cheers m8. im just so tired all the time and im trying to take energie tablets but they dont seem to work =(
hopefully it will go ASAP.. cos i feel like shit :X
gcse's are piss easy :P

dont worry.

chin up bucko!
I got my tonsils removed when I was 4.. it's a blessing!
I had that once too about 2years ago ,cause of allergy ,was damn boring to be sick about one month :<

good luck with your recovery !
Gcses, bad time to got it last week, caught it off me imo.
hi @ tonsillektomie
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