Ingrowing Toenail

Well i've had it for ages and finally getting it taken off tomorrow, has anyone had it done before? Is it sore?

Pic related:

image: 55_ingrown_nail_05
don vito did it once
>:E ouch gl sounds manky
yes I had it, didn't look like the pic tho, it was swollen on the side and i couldn't walk at all due to the pain, but no blood like that. first got half of my nail removed at an public emergancy place, fucking hurt like hell and it growed in again a few months after the surgery, so i had to do it again - this time went to a private clinic, had to pay a lot but they did the job really painlessly - after the procedure when the painkillers wore off it wasn't really hurting that badly, opposed to the first time.
it's fixed now. i REALLY suggest you go to a proper clinic with good doctors, even if you gotta pay more.
Appointment with the GP (kind of doc in the UK) who specialises in this sorta thing so hope he does a pretty good job.

Yeah, the blood is pretty annoying.. every time i get in from football or a gig my socks covered in blood, aint the nicest :p
hope it's not too severe and you get to keep your toenail :d
haha thanks, me to :D
how did you get this Ingrowing Toenail?
dunno. may be too tight shoes, but you can also get it if you cut your nails wrong, you gotta let the edge of the nail grow over your toe or whatever.
as fredd says, cut it wrong which mucked it up a bit. Then getting it trampled on at football/gigs/night clubs just kept making it worse :(

Moral of the story: don't cut your nails :D
Magnesium sulphate brings out the nail/puss etc if you have them. I just cut the skin around my toe/finger and yank the nail out and apply some antiseptic shit on it. DIY innit!
discusting :x
U iz a hobbit.
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