Noorgrin blog (14/05)

Hi2u aLL

first he joined IRC:
08:28:30 <vOFF-Noorgrin> <vae-Noorgrin>

probably he is at work now...and he played in soem random pokertournament yesterday. his holidays are starting soon and now you have to careeee
When the bus is comming?

//edit: np4schwein
the vengabus is coming!!11!!
hi schwein
hi @
have you seen germany vs latvia? :)
Parent :D

at least germanys appearence in canada had a nice effect in the end - latvia out and clown whining :P
i just dont get why they didnt play all their matches like in the last part vs latvia
yes they fucked it up themselves...losing a 2 to nothing lead ffs....whats up with robert müller? injured?? he was really a good goaltender when ive watched him..
dunno, he played 2 parts vs canada, but i dont understand krupp anyway when it comes to the goali question...he started every game with a different goalie, noone played twice in a row
petzold (or how hes spelled) pld the last 2 games imo.. but müller was way better tbh.
Germany got a lot of nice goalies , Jonas , Müller & Pätzold and 2 newcomer goailies :)
delete delete delete delete delete
move cF admins
You forgot to say hi to schnee.
not enough shoutouts and flags in this post for it to be a Noorgrin one
you aren't noorgrin omfg fake!!!
Hello Ladies :D

thx 4 the blog swine ! :D

greetz @ Tobi ! <3
noors blog by noor > noors blog by swine ._.
no more blogs from me cause (some) admins are retar3d -_-
cf admins are retared ?? plz
older than old :D
i bet u recieved sth like
"You are completely retarded and you have no idea what you are talking about, if you do not stop bothering me then I will ban you, for that reason alone"
which speaks for itself, right?
well sol even apologized yesterday they got a problem with admin abuse...

but tbh i don't wanna discuss about that stuff anymore, how are u doing ? how is poker doing ? and what is up with famous Bombenleger saebby ? :D

i fucked up rly hard @ WSOP qualifier yesterday btw... :(
i´m fine but bored...still no job :/
Poker esport-league starting today with frk, humm3l, gang & zetti

i played it too yesterday...i was TOP 100 and lost a big pot with AQ vs A7 donking and thats it
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