Stuck at cbz

Heyi need halp i am stuck with my old cb account cause i think i typed some random mail like this:[email protected]

and now i cant connect no more and i am not in my team at c so i need new account but cant use my etproguid i am stuck any idea?????????????,
no ur fucked
no ur fucked
erm, maybe contact an admin? I know its a totally logical idea, but you never know.
my friend has the same problem.
he has a 2006 cb account registered with an email at, a site that isn't working anymore - so he can't access his CB account and can't play CB anymore cause his guid is in use on his old account - he asked a few admins and made a forum topic on cb and they told him to go fuck himself.
guidspoof. there was also another solution for this but i cant be arsed to write it.
there arent any guidspoofers available for free seperately, only for cheats and hamachi doesnt change his guid.
loled, self-fail
buy the domain, install a mailserver and np.
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