toilet journal

my dad is replacing the toilet seat while 2 minutes ago i took a dump in it :)


tell me your best toilet moment
wow your life is just great, can i be a part of it?
it would be funny if he would shut u up and say "NO" :D
not it would not
You are pretty much the guy with the worst sense of humor on here.
what about it wasnt ment to be funny?
did you understand his statement?
your father must be proud in his son
I like to poo poo just @ my house. It gives me a strange but very nice feeling, when I'm poo-pooing at home. It's just pure pleasure :)
My poopoo time is basically the only time I'm reading books. Listening to music is another activity I enjoy during sessions.
I do study when I poo poo or listen to mp3 :D (not always) and only If i feel it's a big poo poo
I always bring my book if I feel like taking a dump, in case I'm surprised by its size
If I don't have time, or if i don't feel that is going to be a big poo poo i don't bring nothing

BTW: When I poo poo i always close lights. It's more relaxing:D
best journal for today olo
I do close my eyes very often ;D. But when you do it at your home toilet it's more warm, more relaxing. When you have time to do a big poo poo, you know what I mean?
I was in Rome a while ago and I didn't shit for 4 days. Then I took a shit in our (5 boys) hotel rooms toilet. The whole 4day set came out as one huge clod. I flushed the toilet and went to my bed. A couple of minutes later Finland crosby goes in the wc and comes back nearly rightaway, laughing and giggling uncontrollably. When he has calmed down enough to breathe, he asks if I remembered to flush the toilet. I said I think so and went to check it. I had flushed the toilet because all the paper etc had left but my 4dayer was still there, looking big, strong and evil >:D. The other guys in the room came to check it out too. We flushed the toilet like 5 times and the 4dayer didn't leave, luckily everyone found it a quite hilarious moment. At some point Finland cross decided to piss in the toilet and when he tried to flush it, there was no water going to the toilet because we had just flushed it several times. It began to smell pretty bad but we took showers and stuff. Like 30minutes later I flushed the toilet again and maybe my 4dayer had softened in the water and piss because then it left. At night we were scared if the 4dayer had grown legs and would come back but luckily it didn't. :)
I had that on an exchange trip to UK lol. Why do these things always happen on vacation?
wonder that too, when I was on CDC3 I shitted on thursday and next time on monday. at least partly it's because of the food. abroad you eat more hamburgers and pizza etc and that slows down the digestion
How the FUCK did you resist to don't poo poo for 4 days? :OOOO
didn't feel like shitting :<
You did eat anything? :| I cant see my life without poopooing atleast once a day :D
I ate but mostly hamburgers and pizzas etc fatty food, which slows down the digestion. also could be psychological since I couldn't visit my lovely home wc :<
When i eat hamb. and pizzas I do shit alot lol :D
Maybe it's the thing that you missed your home WC. Like I do, when I'm out. I just can't take a nice poopoo @ other wc:p
Lol, you know when you go to a public toilet you must do it fast and you are nervous and stuff. At home It's more relaxing :| I'm not a pervert guy you know :D
your crosswords isnt amuzing me
in english: the smell must have been ... nice
lol :D:D and he didn't say anything ?

dads are tough ! mum says : new seat,dad goes and does ,
and son takes a dump and post that on xfire laughing.
That's what I call monthy pyton's sense of humour.
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